Chapter 30: Grazie

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"It's over. It's done. I'm free," Speranza sobs, sinking to her knees and holding her hands to her face.

Ezio moves forwards, kneeling down and wrapping his arms around her tightly. She doesn't refuse his comfort, vaguely aware of the servant girl watching them both.

"Thank you, assassinos," Selene says, standing up. "You not only saved my life, but you freed us from that tyrant's reign over this home. Thank you."

Ezio stands. Speranza stays kneeling on the floor, her eyes downcast as she wipes her face.

"You're welcome. Now, you are free to go home," he tells her, a small smile twitching on his scarred lips.

Selene grins widely and bows to him. Speranza stands and turns to her.

"The stories he told were nothing but lies. I will remember you. Both of you," the servant girl says before dashing from the room.

Ezio pulls Speranza into another embrace as she breathes heavily.

"Ezio?" she whispers, her voice raw.

"Yes, Speranza?"

"Thank you."

He looks down at her as he pulls away. "For what?"

She smiles. "For being here with me."

"It was my pleasure."

He presses a kiss to her forehead, glad that she may finally find peace.


"I would like if you would come back with me," Ezio admits.

Speranza shakes her head, the wind blowing the tiny wisps of brunette hair around her face gently. The two assassins stand next to their horses outside Siena, watching the road ahead of them.

"No, I can't," she says softly.

Again, Ezio scoffs lightly. "Speranza, Monteriggioni will be glad to have you. You can see my family again, you can help me with the Apple of Eden-"

"As lovely as that sounds, I still can't." She looks to him, a tiny smile gracing her lips. "I'm free from the burden I've carried my entire adult life. I'm going to travel, possibly leave Italia."

His mouth falls open slightly. "Leave Italia? What of the brotherhood? What of the people you know?"

She shakes her head. "You are the only assassin I have truly had a relationship with. I will always be a part of the brotherhood, but I will not be around." She reaches over and takes his hand, turning him towards her. "I'm sorry, signore, but I must go. The road is calling and I have to follow it to wherever it takes me."

Ezio shuts his eyes, the edges glistening with tears. "Will...will I ever see you again?"

She smiles lightly. "I hope so."

They look at each other for a moment or two, the silence calming. Ezio steps closer to Speranza, wanting to drink in as much of her golden eyes as he can before she's gone.

"I will be here, should you ever need me," he promises.

"I will find you one day, Ezio. For now, do what you can with the Apple. I've heard of its power and the Borgia influence. You must stop them somehow."

He lifts her hand to his lips and kisses her knuckles. "Io prometto. Per te, io farò tutto quello che serve."

She leans up and presses a kiss to his lips, the feeling bringing in a sort of finality to it all. He caresses her cheek gently, wishing and hoping that she would change her mind and stay with him.

"I love you, Ezio. I always will," she murmurs, pulling away from their touch.

She turns, moving to her horse and climbing on to the saddle. Ezio rushes to her side, looking up at her with longing hiding within his dark eyes.

"I will never forget you, Speranza Chilometri," he says sincerely, "and I will always love you."

Her lips only twitch into a half smile. "Addio, Ezio Auditore. Spero che la tua vita ti porta gioia."

She grips the reins, clicking them and starting her horse off into a gallop. Ezio watches her disappear over the horizon, feeling both joyful and sorrowful. Joyful for the experience he gained, sorrowful for the love he lost.

"Addio, Speranza. Io ti amo."

Io prometto. Per te, io farò tutto quello che serve: I promise. For you, I will do whatever it takes.

Addio Ezio Auditore. Spero che la tua vita ti porta gioia: Farewell, Ezio Auditore. I hope your life brings you joy.

Io ti amo: I love you

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