Chapter 27: Missione

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Ezio lays awake, one arm propping his head up on the pillow, the other wrapped around Speranza as she sleeps against him. The room they lodged in for the night is dark, a burnt out oil lamp nearby. Ezio shuts his dark eyes, his bare chest rising and falling sharply with a breath.

In a way, he got what he wanted from the start. This time, the passion he pursues so deeply with other women doesn't seem so rewarding. Instead, he still felt the dull ache of heartbreak inside his chest.

He looks at Speranza, her golden eyes shut and her face looking younger with sleep. She remains pressed against him, her skin warming him. His heart clenches as he brushes a few stray strands from her face, wishing that this had instead been their wedding night and not just to release whatever was being pent up inside them.

The assassin thought he knew just how broken Speranza is, but he never imagined it was this deep. To be afraid of commitment, or marriage at least, must be terrible. She said she was afraid to love him, but he brushed it off and assumed it was lesser than she treated it. He's had a first hand account now; there's passion and longing, but no calm when it comes to true commitment.

She stirs a little, her hand falling to his abdomen as the soft pads of her fingertips brush his hardened muscles. He runs his hand along her back and over her shoulders, feeling completely bittersweet. Yes, he got what he wanted, but what did he do to Speranza in the process? Did he hurt her even further, damage her already damaged persona?

He manages to sleep again, but it's restless at best.


In the morning, the two assassins remain quiet. Speranza dresses animatedly, retrieving her items from around the room. Ezio buttons up his shirt, watching her bare back and her short hair on her neck as she dresses. His thoughts wander to last night, remnants of his desire for her shooting through him. How he wants to pull her close and caress her skin again, hold her close to him, feel her breath against his neck and her heartbeat next to his.

"Speranza—" he starts, breaking the silence for a moment.

"You are an experienced lover. The women spoke no lies about you," she says curtly, as if she already rehearsed what to say should he bring something up.

He sighs as he pulls on his gear, his hair already tied back into a ponytail. "You speak swiftly, bella rosa. You need to give me a chance to speak."

She turns around as she clips her cape into place, moving forwards and shoving his hidden blades into his arms.

"You gave me pleasure. I enjoyed it," she says, her tone cold yet flat. "Now, I wish not to speak of the night we shared and instead finish our deal. You may help me defeat Tarso, but that is it. Then, we'll see where our paths take us."

She slips her own blades on, flipping her hood up as she turns towards the doors and disappears from view. Ezio sighs, finishing up and following in her wake. The two assassins leave the inn and head away, a tense silence evident between the two. Speranza leads, her strides determined and focused.

"Tarso's base is this way," she says, pointing in a different direction as she changes her course.

Ezio follows without question. As they reach the place, they scale the stone wall around the estate easily and sneak through the grounds. Speranza begins to climb up the main building swiftly, searching for the correct window. She knows which room Tarso is staying in, and she sees it only a few spots away.

She looks back at Ezio, motioning to the door, and he nods. They reach it, pushing open the window carefully and sneaking inside. Speranza almost cusses out loud in anger.

"He's gone," she says.

"What?" Ezio asks, shutting the window.

"He isn't here. He must've gone away."

Ezio crosses his arms, looking around the fancily decorated room.

"What now?" he asks.

The doorknob jiggles and the two assassins freeze, diving behind the bed in a split second. Light footsteps enter the room, and the soft flickering of a lantern can be seen.

"You're not supposed to be here," a feminine voice calls.

The two don't answer.

"Weird...I could've sworn I heard something," she mumbles to herself. "Perhaps I'll go and get the master-"

In a flash, two knives whiz past her head, pinning the sleeves of her shirt to the wall.

Before she can scream, Speranza's hand covers her mouth. The assassin takes a moment to observe that the person is one of the servant girls.

"You never saw us. We were never here," she whispers.

The girl nods, and she makes a few noises as her eyes flicker between Ezio and the woman in front of her. Speranza pulls her hand away slightly and the girl gasps, trembling noticeably.

"Are you Speranza Chilometri?" she asks in a terrified voice, her wide brown eyes staring at them.

"It isn't important," Ezio says.

"No, wait. Please. If you're here to kill Master Capitani, I'd like to help."

Speranza glances back at Ezio, who raises an eyebrow.

"What is your name?" Speranza asks.

"S-S-Selene," she stutters. "You are Speranza, aren't you?"

She says nothing, only stares, her eyes burning into what feels like the girl's very soul.

"Don't kill me," Selene whimpers.

"We don't kill the innocent," Ezio assures her, moving forwards to stand next to Speranza.

"I can help," Selene says. "I want him dead too. I can hide you until he returns this afternoon."

Ezio and Speranza glance at each other, then back at the girl.

"Fine. You can help," Speranza decides.

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