Chapter 18: Visti

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Speranza leaps across the rooftops, barely stopping to catch her breath. The Templars keep shouting behind her, but their voices grow fainter as she gets further and further away. She slows down noticeably, catching her breath. They can't follow her onto the buildings.

Keeping at a steady pace, she drops down to the road and keeps in the shadows.

Where are Leonardo and Ezio? Weren't they following me? she wonders.

She keeps going. Stopping means the guards will have the chance to catch up. Besides, Ezio can find her again easily.

She clenches her hand into a fist, examining her hidden blades as she keeps in the shadows and moves slowly.

She hears footsteps coming towards her and she tenses, continuing to walk. The crowds have thinned out in this part of the city and only a few stragglers still wander around.

The footsteps grow nearer. She unsheathes her blades and spins, thrusting the blade towards her attacker's throat.

"Woah, mia signora." Ezio chuckles, holding his hands up.

For a split second, her blade hovers by his neck until she gets over the initial shock. She retracts them, standing up straighter.

"Scusate, I thought you were a guard," she apologizes.

"Nothing happened right?" he asks, touching her face lightly.

She flinches away from his touch and his shoulders sag as he retracts his hand swiftly.

"I'm fine, Ezio. Where's Leonardo?" she asks, ignoring his question.

"He went home, and I came after you." He studies her face, his lips turning up a little at the sides. "I'm glad you're safe."

He pulls her into a tight hug, and she doesn't pull away, returning it instead. Ezio breaks away and the two assassins start heading back to Leo's house.

As they leave the area, Speranza gets a prickling feeling as the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. Glancing back from where they came, she catches only a glimpse of someone disappearing around a corner.

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