6: Enter, Katsuki Bakugou!

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It had been years since I last saw dad, but today was the day everything set itself in motion. My story would begin on this day, if it didn't start when my dad gave me his quirk. It started as a normal day in school. Kacchan was bullying me for being "weaker" even though I have a useful quirk now. Telling me I was still a useless Deku who couldn't do anything, even if I could stand up to him in a real fight.

Huh, I guess once a target is painted on your back and you get scared out of habit, there's really no escaping your bullies.

And I...I was scared of him in that moment. He's an amazing powerhouse of a person, firing on all nitroglycerin-fueled cylinders constantly. He'd make a good hero. His one flaw was that he exploded far too easily, far too much - like his quirk. And most of the time that rage was pointed at me - the only person who wouldn't stand up to him when we were younger, because my quirk used to be a useless one. A powerless quirk that made me basically quirkless. He was amazing either way, though. He'd be a great hero one day. Well, if he could change his...personality...a bit he could be.

I don't know why but somehow my very existence infuriated Kacchan.

During class that day, the teacher was going to have us take career aptitude tests to help us decide which highschool we would go to and what we'd do with our lives, but then sent the sheets of paper flying in the air, saying we all would like to go into the Hero Career Path.

If dad taught me one thing, it's that you always need a backup plan and a backup plan to the first backup plan. Always plan ahead, every contingency. I guess that our teacher is kind of dumb to think that everyone would be able to follow their dreams like that...we should all still plan a plan B. Not everyone here can become a hero. If everyone who wanted to be a hero could be one, then we'd have more heroes than civilians. How is this teacher so...stupid?

And when class ended, I grabbed one of the discarded sheets before returning to my desk, ready to write down on a Hero Analysis notebook a fight that I'd seen this morning. You know, before I'd forget any of the necessary details. Important details could be overlooked if forgotten. And then I'd fill out the aptitude test.

Though, as soon as I began to write in my notebook, I saw someone standing in front of me. Kacchan.

He grabbed my notebook. At least it's not "All".

"Oi, loser, what's this?" He showed it off to his two lackeys.

I heard his two lackeys make fun of me for having twelve others of these supposedly useless notebooks titled "Hero Analysis for the Future."

"Um...th-that's my notebook, and I'd appreciate it if you gave it back, please, K-Kacchan-"

"Who told you you could talk back to me, Deku?" He half shouted, slamming his explosive hand onto my desk.

"Uh...um...no one d-" And then I cried out as he used his quirk, explosion, to burn my notebook to a crisp.

He tossed it out the window, mentioning how useless it is because I'd never be a hero, even if I took nerdy notes on heroes.

"That's so mean..."

"Huh? What did you say Deku?" He said, almost spitting in my face.


"You act like a fucking stalker, Deku!" One of the lackeys exclaimed, pointing out the window to indicate towards my now-burned notebook.

"Hey Deku, of you really want to be a hero so badly..." Kacchan began, placing his hand on my shoulder and activating his quirk to singe my uniform. He smiled - and it looked very fake and forced and laced with malice, "then go jump off the roof of a building and hope you aren't so utterly useless in the next life."

He stalked off towards the nearest classroom door. I glared at him, but immediately shrunk into myself as he glared back, smirking and silently threatening me with his quirk - besides, of course, the sounds of small explosions.

I had to go get my notebook...and it was in the koi pond, of course, and fish were trying to eat it as if it were food for them.

What if I did jump, huh? What then, Kacchan? Then Kacchan would have instigated a suicide. He'd never be allowed to be a hero then...stupid Kacchan. I won't jump off a building and ruin his chances like that.

...Stupid fish...stop eating my notebook. It's not fish food...it's my burnt up dreams.

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