7: Attack on Sewer Villian!

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I finally fished my notebook out of the koi pond, holding it so it could dry and took the long way home. I needed some alone time after today. It was...rough. I only tripped once over a rock on the way, skinning my knee, but regeneration healed me.

I was talking to myself, mumbling words to cheer myself up a bit. Reminding myself why I don't just go and jump off a tall, more than 30 foot tall building, like Kacchan said, as a villain snuck up behind me.

"Ooh, a medium-sized skin disguise!" I turned around to see a giant sludge monster, it must be his quirk, who proceeded to pick me up. "Don't worry! It'll only hurt for about a minute!"

I felt slime force it's way down my throat and somehow tighten around my limbs, keeping me in place as it blocked my nostrils and any other way I had of breathing.



AtleastKacchanwillbehap-no. Think properly, you useless idiot!

I needed to calm down. Force-activate  regeneration in my throat and lungs.

Regeneration activated, keeping the sludge from tearing any tissue. Next, heal-glow activated in my throat, keeping me alive.

I have five minutes. If help...doesn't come. I'm...done for. One more thing I can try if it comes to that...

Two minutes passed. It was time to try.

I activated Fire Breath. Nothing happened.

"Oh, heating up a little? Don't worry medium-sized disguise, that doesn't hurt me! Now hurry up and die already!"

I didn't know how long heal-glow would last and...it was looking grim as repairs to my burnt throat were made.

Words of seemingly a god rang out and I was saved. I will live IcanstillliveandIcanstillbecomeaherothankyoulife.

"It'll be fine, citizen! Why? For I am here!"

A gush of wind passed me and the sludge left my throat. I finally let go of heal-glow and regeneration, passing out. The last thing I saw was a blurry figure in yellow and white and red.


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