13: Late!

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From then on, my weekly schedule had become hectic. I had to juggle Kacchan's relentless bullying, Recovery Girl's lessons, volunteering at the hospital, physical training, and schoolwork. My current weekly schedule had looked something like this, with avoiding Kacchan for most of the time.

Monday and Tuesday: Recovery Girl's training.

Wednesday and Thursday: Hospital Volunteer work.

Friday: Rest Day/Kacchan bullying me after school, because he can't catch me any other day.

Saturday and Sunday: Train, as much as I can!

And also on every day, homework and school had to be attended to. Sometimes I would be late to the hospital or slightly late to Recovery Girl's office. Today was an "I'm-totally-way-too-late-Tuesday."

"Look, Deku, whatever you're doing to get into U.A., it's not gonna work. You're still just a weakling. You should really give up."

It looked like the bullying was starting for today.

"K-Kacchan...I have make it to an appointment. Please...let me through." He blocked my path out of the classroom, his lackeys making sure that I wouldn't be able to take the other door.

"I'm not gonna let you through until you tell me," he started to get louder, "where the fuck you've been sneaking off to every single fucking day!" And cue the intimidation techniques using explosions.

He put his hand on my shoulder, singeing my uniform. Again. ...I had to buy replacements on a pretty regular basis.

"Why...why do I need to tell you where I'm going?" My now half-a-month of training with Recovery Girl was honestly rubbing off on me. She took no nonsense from students and teachers alike and made sure people listened to her. She was really helping my confidence even if that wasn't the intent of the training.

"Tch," his veins started popping. Oh crud...I made Kacchan mad. Oh no.

"K-Kacchan...I...I..." Even with my confidence boost...I was still scared when Kacchan got mad.

"You what? Not like you really have somewhere to be, you damn nerd! Die!" And explosion went off right next to my head. I clenched my eyes shut as soon as I could, letting the ringing run it's course. I still ended up seeing the entire explosion, though. My left ear kind of hurt. Huh. Is my vision a little blurry to? I had opened my eyes to see Kacchan stalking away in anger.

I directed heal-glow to the area, and some pain I didn't register on my face went away. The pain in my ear lessened, but didn't completely disappear.

Well. I guess it's time to go to U.A.

I felt dazed as I made my way to the school. My shoulder kind of hurt, and the ringing in my left ear hadn't stopped, while ringing that was in my right ear had stopped. My vision was still kind of blurry, but was slowly getting better with each step I took.

I double checked for my ID when I made it to the gate, found it and made my way inside. Recovery Girl's office was relatively easy to find, being on the first floor in an accessible location for students with all types of injuries.

I made my way inside, sliding the door open after knocking, of course, and immediately bowing, apologizing for being late.

"I...I'm sorry I'm late, Recovery Girl."

"It's fine Midoriya. You're only late by a few minutes." She was facing away from the door, doing something at her computer.

I went to straighten up and immediately lost my balance. I stumbled forward and left a little, the ringing in my ear not stopping. Recovery Girl was impossibly quick in getting to my side, trying to help me stay upright. "Midoriya, are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." She guided me to sit on the edge of one of the five cots. She looked at the marks on my face, frowning.


"Just a little ringing in my ear. Really, it's nothing bad." I forced a smile, trying to seem fine. Really though, I don't think it's that serious. Recovery Girl went to see if she could find something to help me. Although when I close my right eye, my vision is pretty blurry right now. Better than it was initially, though.

"Hey, uh...can small really close explosions do long-lasting damage?" I asked really quickly.

"Of course they can! Midoriya...any explosives can do irreversible damage. What happened to you?"

"Ah, don't worry. Anyways, what was my job for to-"

"Don't change the subject. You're not to get up until you tell me what happened." Recovery Girl scolded.

"Uhm...a friend's quirk. It accidentally went off right by my ear and eye."

"That hand-shaped burn in your uniform?"


"The small scars on your face?"

"Accident that I healed up."

"How's your eye sight and hearing?"

"...that's one thigh I can't heal, apparently. The pain is mostly gone though."

Recovery Girl sighed, muttering something to the gist of how she's ever going to deal with me. "You're taking today off, Midoriya. Feel free to observe but no working. I'm going to heal what I can."

She kissed my temple, and almost immediately tiredness washed over me but the ringing in my ear disappeared. My vision only got slightly better, not back to 20/20 vision like I was used to. Recovery Girl handed me a card.

"My signature's on the back, tell them I sent you." Recovery Girl said.

And then she got to work, me helping only with putting some papers in alphabetical order as she treated some hero course students that were brought to the infirmary with mild injuries from optional training programs.

I guess tonight I'd have to tell my mom about the card and my now degraded vision. What really worried me, though, was that Regeneration wasn't kicking in.

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