12: Revealing Heritage

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I stood up abruptly and bowed. "Hello and uh...th-thank you for meeting with me!"

"Oh, there's no need for all that." I looked up and found that Recovery Girl had sat in the chair across from the one I had sat in. There was only four chairs so that meant -

If All Might sits down I'll be sitting next to the number one hero! My inner fanboy can't handle this??!!

And he did sit, right after Recovery Girl. I stopped bowing and sat down as well. My fanboying levels were off the charts. I was sitting next to my idol. Who ever in their lives gets a chance to do this? I never, ever expected my life to come to this point. This is the pinnacle of fanboy existence.

"So, first things first, young man. I heard from this big oaf here that you're interested in becoming a healing hero?" She said, pointing at All Might.

"Y-yes! Very much so, Recovery Girl! B-but..."

"But what, Young Midoriya?"

"I...I don't think I can."

"Oh, I'm sure you'll be fine." Recovery Girl stated sincerely. I was dying on the inside, I swear. Sitting next to All Might and across from Recovery Girl?! I could just die right now and I'd be happy!

"Well, you see..." should I really tell them this? Well...if there's a chance you'll work under Recovery Girl, you really should...say something... "my quirk isn't just...heal-glow."

And at that moment a puff of steam came from my left. I jumped, startled.

"All Might, we've talked about this. You can't overextend your quirk usage. It will only shorten your limit in the long term," Recovery Girl scolded just as All Might was revealed as a skinny skeleton of a man. Should I call this form Small Might?

"Ah...I'm sorry, young Midoriya. I should probably explain."

So... Recovery Girl knew as well. That made sense, considering she would have had to heal him when he was severely injured. She and of course, probably select doctors.

"D...don't worry about it, All Might. It's not too, uh... surprising."

They both looked at me, perplexed by how okay I was with the big reveal that All Might wasn't as strong as he was portrayed everywhere to be. And of course his form. Normal kids would probably be freaking out right now, thinking that this man was an imposter of the always strong and smiling hero. Normal kids would probably also be in denial about this, and maybe even be having their dreams crushed. Their world perspectives would be changing entirely, their views on heroes in general could be entirely skewed and they might even turn to be a villain, rather than stay a hero fan. But luckily - or unluckily - I'm not a normal kid.

"And um...I kinda..." my voice grew small, "already knew..."

"You...you already know?" All Might asked, slowly and quietly.

"Yeah. I know about One for All, to some extent your - your injuries, and All for One..."

All Might simply muttered quietly, half to himself, "How..how do you-? Do you know someone who knows?"

"I'm his kid, after all."

Those were the words that caused All Might's expression to falter, unease blanketing the situation. "Y-You're a child of All for One?"

"Y-Yes...I am his - his only child...but I aim to be a hero! I don't want to be a villain like he is! I haven't even seen him in years..." I started to mumble on, trying to justify my heritage.

Recovery Girl sighed. "You know, heritage isn't that important. There are plenty of heroes with villain children and vice versa. So, back to the topic at hand. What makes you think you can't be a healing hero?"

"I..." I started, still doubting if I could actually say this, "My quirk is called All for One. I-It used to be Quirk Storage, but my d-dad swapped with me. The quirks I hold right now are fire breath, heal-glow, regeneration, and a quirk called spotlight..."

All Might paled. Recovery Girl sighed again. She seemed annoyed at Small Might's reaction and my self-confidence levels. "You have potential to be a hero, Midoriya. Don't waste it. Starting every Monday and Tuesday after your classes are over, you're to head to U.A. High to train under me. I'm also putting you in a recommendation slot. Once you get into U.A., the training can become more intense."

"Y-yes. I'll support you becoming a hero as well, Young Midoriya. I'll sign off as well on that recommendation slot. I believe you - and anyone for that matter - can be a hero."

We talked a bit over lunch that All Might provided for all three of us, about various things. Quirks, how their work (specifically Recovery Girl's), changing my quirk registration to reflect heal-glow or maybe All For One, showing them a bit of my hero notebook, and lastly me asking for Recovery Girl's autograph as a last-minute-thought.

I went home a happy camper, ready to tell my mom and celebrate.

You have potential to be a hero.

I believe you - and anyone for that matter - can be a hero.

These words would forever change the path of my life. I will be a hero, with their support.

No one can stop me now.

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