14: Vision and Hearing

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"Okay, Midoriya. We're ending early today. I have to make it to a conference with some important people in the health world."

"Oh, okay." My left ear hadn't stopped ringing quite yet. I had been at Recovery Girl's office for about three hours. I'd usually stay for about a half hour more before going home.

She shooed me out, so I grabbed my schoolbag, said goodbye, and headed on home. I decided today that I would take the shorter route, since I knew it better from being late so often. Usually on a day like today, I'd take the longer route to be alone for a little while.

As I was walking, I covered my right eye with my hand. My vision was still off. Just...a bit. And low and behold, my left eye's sight was blurring out the world. It wasn't bad, just mildly annoying, because I could see well with my right eye. My brain seemed to want to block out my left eye's vision when it could.

"Mom! I'm home!" I said as soon as I made it back to our apartment. She popped her head into the entry way.

"Oh, Izu, you're early! How was your day?" My mom asked as I took off my shoes.

"Um...it...it was fine, mom, but I do have something important to tell you."

She gestured for me to go on without looking at me. I stepped inside the living room area and handed her the card Recovery Girl had given me. "I-Izu, this is a vision and hearing doctor's card...what happened?"

And so she saw me, tiny facial scars and all. "Kacchan was uh, messing around and an explosion went off right by my head...and my left ear hasn't stopped ringing yet. Recovery Girl said to uh, just show this card to the secretary since she wrote on the back of it and schedule an appointment."

"Oh, my baby! We can't go today since these hours...they're closed. We'll go tomorrow and get you all fixed up! I'll make katsudon for dinner tonight...and I can call your school and let the hospital know that you're not going to be there tomorrow afternoon." Mom said worriedly.

"Thanks, mom."

After I ate dinner with her, I decided to just head to bed. Even with the small amount of activity from today, I was exhausted. My vision felt strained and the ringing had only gotten louder and louder as time ran on.

Really, I guess Regeneration and Heal-Glow weren't going to work for this problem. Did that mean it works for only flesh wounds or only certain types of damage...?

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