9: All Might

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I woke up in a familiar room - not many people say that when they wake up in stark white hospital rooms, decorated with various splashes of blue. The weird thing about this whole situation was the IV in my arm, as well as my clothing being a hospital gown. And of course, waking up in the hospital room wasn't normal. Doctor Kenko's muffled voice was coming from outside, along with a -familiar but unplaceable - male voice.

The doctor slid open the door and saw me awake. "Oh, Izuku, in glad you're up. You overused heal-glow again...I would usually be disappointed. So let's see if I am."

He waited expectantly for me to respond. "Uh..." I coughed loudly, my throat feeling scratchy. "I...I got attacked by a villain...? Had to use heal-glow along with regeneration and firebreath all at once..."

"There's a man outside who says he knows what happened - and that he saved you. Would you like to talk to him?" Doctor Kenko looked slightly...excited?

"Uh...sure?" I coughed again, harshly.

"I'll tell him to come in and I'll go grab some water for you."

"Thank you." And with that, Doctor Kenko left and...holy shit.

All Might himself entered the room I was in. I sputtered. "A-A-a-All...All...m-Might?!"

"Yes! I am here to make sure you aren't dead!" All Might said loudly.

"All Might! Thank you f-for...checking on me...b-but this is a hospital! You should be mindful of patients..." ohmygodholyshitijustscoldedthepilliarofjusticethefuckingnumneroneheroohgodwhathaveidone-

"Yes, very true! I will be mindful, young man."

"M-my name's...Midoriya...Midoriya Izuku."

"Yes! Young Midoriya, I am glad you are okay!" His volume still was loud, but hopefully patients wouldn't be disturbed as much.

"If you hadn't come when you did I would be dead. Still, if I weren't able to use he- my quirk, I'd be dead right now."

All Might...sweat dropped. "Well, I'm new to this city...the sewer system is very confusing!"

Like that was a valid excuse - he was following the villain...but still. I'm glad I was saved by the number one hero. I was glad I was still alive, really.

"Look, Young Midoriya. I'm here to tell you this: you should think of studying under Recovery Girl! I saw that hero-fact notebook! And Doctor Kenko told me about your work here and your medical quirk! Looking to be a hero, eh?"

"Y-yes. I want to be a hero more than anything! Th-thank you All Might!"

He handed me a business card. "Call this number soon, if you want to discuss it!"

"Well, I'm off! Goodbye Young Midoriya!" All Might left in a heroic fashion just as Doctor Kenko returned.

"Here you go, Izuku," he said, setting down a glass of water.

"Th-thank you..."

"That was pretty awesome, having the number one hero just show up at our hospital..."

"Oh! I forgot to get an autograph..." I looked down, disappointed in myself. Still, the excitement hadn't worn off. All Might himself gave me an offer!

The Doctor held my notebook up to a page. Black marker that wasn't mine splayed over two pages. All Might had signed my notebook! I could die here happy! My every fanboy dream had been completely filled.

"I asked him to sign your notebook while you were out."

"Thank you so much! Uh...H-how long have I been out?"

"Since yesterday afternoon."

I glanced at the clock in the room. It was 2:57 in the afternoon...which means I missed school. And mom would be worried- oh no...

"I know what's going on in your big brain there, Izuku. I called your mother and she called your school. It's all okay."

"Thank you, Kenko-san."

"You're going to be allowed to be discharged at 3:30 to 4:00. I know you'll want to get home soon, right?"

"Y-yes! Thank you, Doctor!"

3:30 came and a few nurses unhooked me from an IV drip in my arm. I was helped up to walk, although I was only just a little dizzy, and handed my uniform. I changed into it and went to the front desk.

"Hello, Doctor Kenko said I could check myself out?"

"Oh - Midoriya, of course! Feel free to go."

"Eh-what about payment? I was here for almost a whole day."

"Don't worry - it was covered by...Might Towers." She responded with a fangirl-ish smile on her face.

I walked out of the hospital with my belongings just thinking - Holy shit...I met All Might and he payed for my hospital bill? No...no way...

This must be part of why he's number one...besides saving hundreds of thousands of people on a yearly basis.

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