The beginning of something new

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"Will you please stop!" I jokingly ask my brother. He ignores me and goes on. "Give it back! Now!" I yell at him. "Keep it quiet up there!" I hear my uncle scream at us. "Harry!" I ask him one last time. He gives in and gave me my bra back. "Don't touch it ever again!" I spat at him while I walk out of the room.

While I walk downstairs I see my cousin staring at me again. "What's it Dudley?" I ask him irritated. "Uhm.. uh.. nothing" he mumbles and runs away.

"So I see he still has a crush on you?" Harry says all of a sudden standing behind me.

I turned around with a shocked face. "Harry! You scared me to death!" I spat at him. "Well um sorry" he then says quickly.

We walk into the living room and see that Dudley is eating a pie.

"Hey!" Harry yells. "That is our birthday cake!". Dudley looks at him and says "well not anymore. Besides it's my birthday too Harold!". "You know that my name is Harry. And It still doesn't give you the right to eat it all!" Harry yells back. Dudley ignores him.

I roll my eyes. "Come Harry, let's go pack already" I tell him while giving Dudley a deadly glare.

It's 9.30 am. Harry and I just wanted to leave to get new school books before Vernon (my uncle) stops us. "Where do you two think your going?!" He spats at us. "Uhm.. to school of course" Harry tells him calmly.

I see his face getting red of anger. "I don't thinks so!" He yells at us. "But we have to!" I now tell him. "You two are going to stay here! You haven't been nice at all these weeks. So I don't think u deserve to go back!" He says with fire in his eyes.

Without thinking I elbow him in his stomach and run to the fireplace. I take some floo powder and say "diagon alley!". Not even a minute later Harry arrives too. "So, where are we going first?" I ask him.

A while later after we got all our stuff we decide to go to Perron 9 3/4 since it's already 10:50 am.

"The train leaves exactly at 11 am" Harry tells me. "I'm so excited that I can go to Hogwarts now. Thank goodness the Dursley's don't rule over us anymore. I can't believe that they wouldn't send me to Hogwarts just because they thought we would not get along there together. Besides we were and still are best friends of each other" I rant with an angry look.

"Well luckily it's all over now" Harry tells me while giving me a hug. It's exactly 11 am when the Hogwarts express arrives.

We step in the train and see a girl with brown hair and a boy with ginger hair. They walk towards us.

"Harry!" yells the girl and hugs him. "And I suppose this is your sister?" She asks him while looking at me. "Yes, Elizabeth Potter. But u can call me Liz. Nice to meet you" I answer her. "Hermione Granger. Nice to meet you too" she says.

Then she turns around and push the boy with ginger hair towards me. "And this is Ron. Ron Weasley" She says pointing at the boy. "Well let's get seated already" Harry says while pointing at a cabinet that is empty.

We sit down and look out the window to see the beautiful mountains we were passing by.

A Mysterious Connection (Draco Malfoy Love Story) 12 +Where stories live. Discover now