Slytherin vs Gryffindor

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I was about to go the quidditch field but suddenly heard an owl entering trough the window. I looked behind me to see the owl flying into my direction. He dropped a letter and flew off. I opened the letter to see who it was from.

Dear Elizabeth Potter,

Since u are one of my best students I invite you to a dinner party in my office. Starting at 7 pm.


Horace Slughorn

I looked over at the enormous clock in the hall. The match was starting in ten minutes! I ran to the field to see my team waiting for me. "Where were you?" Our captain asked me. "I'm so sorry. I assume I missed the warming up?" I asked. "You bet you did!" He snared at me. "I'm sincerely sorry". I took my broom and flew up. "Good luck everyone!" Our captain said before flying to the front. I looked at our opponents. I caught Harry staring at me. I greeted him one last time before the match started.

A while after the game started Harry and Draco were both following the snitch. Everyone watched them fly around the field. Harry almost fell of his broom but got up again. I laughed a bit when he gave that expression he also gave me when I got him Dudley's sock for Christmas. I loved Harry for being like that.

I saw the quaffle coming towards me and nearly caught it. I flew to the Gryffindor keeper, which was Ron, and  threw the quaffle in his direction. He missed and I scored. Everyone was clapping at me and I smiled from ear to ear. "Good work Potter!" I heard Draco say while flying passed me.

Him and Harry were still trying to catch the snitch. When Harry wanted to reach for it Draco pushed him of his broom and preceded him. Everyone started cheering for him, but I couldn't keep my eyes of Harry who was heavily injured.

I got of my broom and ran towards him. "Are u okay?!" I asked panicking as I saw his arm bended the wrong way. He wasn't able to answer cause he was creaming in pain. Of course hearing that I already had my answer. "Get madam Pomfrey!" I yelled at people surrounding Harry and me. Fred nodded and starting running away. In the corner of my eye I saw Draco also standing there. It looked like he regretted his action. Soon after he left the field.

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