Quidditch try-outs

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It was morning and today I was going to get my test results back. When we had potions again professor Slughorn handed me my results. I looked at the upper right corner of the paper and saw 'outstanding'. I smiled so wide my face starting hurting. "Good job miss Potter!" Professor Slughorn said. Luckily Draco was late again so he didn't hear.

A little later Draco arrived an sat down next to me. "So what did I miss?" He asked me while looking into my eyes. I was distracted for a moment but after quickly answered "not much. We just started". He looked at my test result laying on our desk. "Wow, Outstanding! I think you are probably top of class now!" He said with a smile. I blushed. "Whatever, I don't really care about it" I answered trying to change the subject.

After classes were over I had thirty minutes to prepare for the tryouts. I was walking towards the library until I felt someone touching my hand. "Hey!" He said. "Hey Draco, what's it?" I answered. "Well u are going to try out right?" He said. "Um...yeah". "I can help u if u want?" He asked. I nodded while following him to our dorm.

After 20 minutes I looked at the clock. "Ten minutes left! Let's go now" I said to him. He grabbed his broom and I followed. We arrived at the train field and run to the other students who were trying out.

"Hello everyone!" A very long boy said. "So this is how the tryouts are going to go. You try your best, we criticize it and you don't dare complain" he said. I think he looks kind of scary. He had very dark eyes and hair.

He looked around and said "first u will declare for which position u are going to try out. After that we shall start!". I walked over to a table and wrote down 'chaser'. Draco stood next to me and said "good choice" with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and started getting on my broom.

After we started I was only focused on the ball. To my surprise I scored a few times. The other student trying out for my position was Pansy Parkinson (a.k.a. the girl with very dark hair). She only scored once and it also was an accident. The keeper fell of his broom and the goal was free. Everyone can score like that!

They already had two chasers, one beater and a keeper. So there were only 3 positions left: one chaser, one beater and a seeker. Draco was trying out to be the seeker again. I couldn't remember the names of the other students trying out.

When the game ended I scored more than I had expected. The long boy walked to us to name the lucky students. "First we have our new beater: Sevulon Olumbrick". everyone clapped. "Next our new seeker: again Draco Malfoy!". After we finished clapping he was going to tell us the last spot. "And last but not least-" he started. My legs starting shaking out of nervousness.

"Elizabeth Potter!"

I heard some gasping behind me. Shit, I didn't think this through. I was happy but I couldn't ignore the fact that now everyone was going to know that I was Harry's sister. I looked over at Draco who looked very confused. After I got my competition clothing I quickly ran of the field.

I heard someone following me but ignored it. I came storming into my dorm searching for my cat. I heard someone entering the room but didn't look around.

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