Chapter 12: Potentials

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Lily's POV

"I don't understand why you're all making such a big deal out of this. The most important thing is that she's happy and that she reproduces with someone she loves. That is what will save you."

"That will save our kind indeed," The BC then looked very serious. "But it won't save yours."

That took me by surprise, not a pleasant one though but an eery and creepy one. I didn't like that they separated me from them. More importantly, I didn't like that they linked Emily and me with the undoing of my kind.

I gulped. "W-What do you mean?"

They sighed. "Centuries ago, there was no such thing as a Superior. We were all equal and were all respecting each other's territory," The BC looked down then. "But with different kinds come problems. Humans and our kind were fighting, trying to claim superiority over the other. And the humans almost won."

I raised my eyebrows. I didn't expect that... I've always believed that Catherine's kind was stronger, naturally.

"So, in order to have a chance to win or a least have a fair battle, we found the strongest of our kind and fed him human flesh. It made him our Superior, it gave him the extra form Bloodborn."

I gulped.

"He used Bloodborn to kill and destroy humans, to protect and save our kind against yours," The BC then looked down. "Bloodborn saved us from going extinct."

I gulped once more, shocked by this new information.

"When the war stabilized, we realized that he was on a higher level than us, so he was named our Superior. And, to support him, the Bloodborn Council aka the BC was formed," The BC sighed. "Bloodborn saved us centuries ago, it was our saving grace. But those days are past us."

I slowly nodded.

"Bloodborn caused many problems, it has killed many innocent humans and people of our kind, including our late Queen Lilian," The BC sighed before looking at me again. "It has to stop."

This piqued my interest. "Is there a way to stop Bloodborn? You've always told me there wasn't..."

"We know," They paused before saying: "There is," They gave me a look. "Mating with the number one potential would cease Bloodborn to exist."

Then I understood the urge for me to mate with Emily... I looked down.

"You are Emily's number one potential, to cease the Bloodborn form to exist and to save not only our kind but also yours, it is your and Emily's destiny to do this," They sighed. "As all the others have tried before you."

I sighed but nodded, I knew now why it was our destiny...


Emily's POV

Ok, this was the moment. MY moment.

I took a few breaths in and out, preparing myself to flirt with Miss Keller. Or should I call her Jennifer? 

Let's not, she might think I'm creepy and weird if I do that...

I gulped before knocking on her door and entering. "Hello, Miss."

She looked up at me and, once again, looked down, hiding her face. It's now that I'm wondering if she was blushing...

"Are you ready?"

She looked up at me. "Ready for what?"

I raised my eyebrows as I entered her office and closed the door. "For our talk, like every school day."

"Oh right," She puffed, looking at her work, before putting everything aside. "Sure."

I smiled as I sat down onto my regular chair. I then made sure to smile at her too, showing her I liked being with her. "It's very nice of you to make time for me."

She smiled and looked down a bit. And now, I did see her blush. That's one point for me!

"These talks make me feel so happy."

Once again, she blushed. Score: 2 points.

"And you - "

"Emily," She stopped me mid-sentence. "Are you ok?"

I was taken back then. "Of course," I smiled again. "I'm just happy."

Miss Keller smiled a bit, still a bit nervous. "That's good to hear," She looked at her notes, from last time. "How's the situation at home now?"

"Good," I nodded, thinking back at what zaezzes, aunt Esmee and I had discovered. "I think my mom finally understands me."

Miss Keller smiled more. "That's amazing to hear."

I nodded. "It feels amazing, it's like there's a weight off my shoulders."

"Understandable," She leaned forward then, giving me a good look of her face and her eyes, which were showing that typical slight glaze. "So the situation is cleared out then?"

I slowly nodded. "I think so," I leaned forward too. "Does that mean I can't come and see you anymore?"

Miss Keller chuckled. "Of course you can come by and see me whenever you want, I do like our talks too."

I smiled. "You know," I leaned closer to her to which she seemed to get a bit uncomfortable, so I moved back a bit. "You've been listening to my problems and you've helped me," I said to which she smiled. "I'd like to return that favor."

At that, she raised her eyebrows. "Return that favor? How?"

"By listening to and helping you with your problems."

"Emily, I don't know," She leaned back, looking away. "You're not here to help me," She looked at me again. "I'm here to help you."

"I know," I leaned closer. "So help me help you." I smiled.

She slowly shook her head while smiling. "You're impossible."

"Impossibly cute? I know," I then got up. "Come on."

"What?" She got up too. "Where are we going?" She took her stuff and followed me.

"We can't discuss your problems in that office, that'd be highly unprofessional of me."

She frowned, she was clearly confused. "So where are we going?"

"I'll lead you the way," We exited the school and walked onto the parking lot. "Which car is yours?"

"That one," She pointed at a car. "Why?"

"Ok," I walked to her car. "Come on, get in."

She seemed unsure but did as I told, another sign to me that she was indeed my potential. "Where are we going?" She asked as she was starting the car.

"I told you, I'll lead you the way."

We drove for about 15 minutes before we ended up on the lookout hill. It was the one place zaezzes had taken my mom to when confessing her love, indirectly. I wasn't going to reenact that moment but it had a symbolized meaning to me.

"Why are we here?" Miss Keller asked as she followed me out of the car and onto the lookout. "We shouldn't be here, curfew starts soon," She looked at me, worries in her eyes. "It's not safe, they will hurt you."

I showed her a small smile. "They won't hurt me."

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