Chapter 34: Reuniting

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Emily's POV

The guard led me to the elevator. "Your mothers are on the top floor, they'll be happy with your return, Princess."

I smiled politely. "So am I."

The elevator opened and he motioned me to get in. He bowed for me before the elevator doors closed.

On my way up, I couldn't stop but think about Betty and John: two strangers who took me into their home to protect me. They were so selfless and very open-minded. I hope zaezzes will repay them handsomely.

When the elevator doors opened again, I stepped out. I smiled when I recognized the workplace.

I walked through it, gaining everyone's attention. I entered aunt Esmee's office, though she wasn't there, before entering zaezzes' office.

Mom, zaezzes, aunt Esmee, and the BC were all in there. But, when I entered, all their attention shifted to me.

"Emily?" Mom got up, tears in her eyes. "Oh, my baby girl!" She pulled me in for a very tight hug.

I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her. "I missed you too, mom."

Zaezzes got up too and wrapped her arms around me and mom. She didn't say anything, as she doesn't really express her feelings to anyone but mom, but I knew what she was feeling just by this hug.

"Young Superior," The BC said, standing up. "We're very happy with your safe return from the CAT but, if we may, can we ask you how you escaped?"

Mom and zaezzes let go of me so everyone could look at me. Though, as moms would do, mom was holding on to me, making sure I was alright.

"Well," I smiled, thinking back at John and Betty. "A CAT soldier freed me and took me to his house. I slept there and had breakfast before he drove me here."

"A CAT soldier?" Zaezzes asked, she didn't seem to believe that.

I nodded. "He and his wife were amazing, they really saved my life."

Zaezzes huffed. "No one in the CAT would save someone from our kind, hianag." 

Mom smiled before looking at zaezzes. "Haewa, remember how you escaped from the CAT?"

Zaezzes then smiled a bit before looking down, shaking her head. "Ok, fair enough," She sighed, looking at me again. "Who are these people?"

I smiled, happy to finally inform my parents about those two amazing people that helped me. "John and Betty Faulkner."

But my parents, aunt Esmee and even the BC didn't seem to be happy. Their faces changed from happiness to disbelieve.

Mom went to lean against zaezzes' desk while zaezzes looked at mom, worries in her eyes. Aunt Esmee looked at mom too. And the BC shook their heads.

"W-why are we upset?" I gulped. "I'm back thanks to these people, why are we upset?" I asked but received no answer. "I thought you all would be pleased to hear this."

"We are," Zaezzes started, though I could hear in her voice that she was getting defensive. She sighed. "Hianag," She looked at me. "Those people were your grandparents."

I looked down in shock. "B-but I thought..." I paused. "I thought my knaoq donaaiz were both dead?"

"My parents are," Zaezzes sighed before motioning to mom. "Hers aren't."

"My parents would never save one of our kind," Mom said, weirdly enough always referring to my kind as her kind as well. I guess because she was married to zaezzes... "Are you sure that they gave you these names?"

"Yes," I gulped, suddenly realizing the interactions I had had with them. "Now I understand why they were so keen on keeping me safe, or why they were so interested when I talked about you," I looked at mom. "They clearly miss you."

"If they did, they would come to me," Mom shook her head before getting up. "It doesn't matter."

"It does," I sighed. "Mom, I owe my life to them and they risked theirs because of me," I walked to mom, holding her hand. "If the CAT finds out, they'll murder your parents. You can't let that happen."

She looked away, at zaezzes.

"Do you know their address?" Zaezzes suddenly asked me.

"No," I sighed, suddenly wishing I had paid closer attention. "They live quite far from here."

Zaezzes nodded. "Probably still in the same house," She looked at mom. "If you want, we can visit them."

Mom shrugged.

"There's no need to rush your decision, just think about it," Zaezzes smiled at her. She then looked at me. "Other things now, our house was invaded so we can't go back there."

"I heard." I nodded.

Zaezzes nodded and didn't ask me about how I knew this information. "So we'll stay in the BC building until further notice."

I raised my eyebrows. "But there's only one room there?"

"I know," She got up. "We've ordered an extra bed which was put into the exercise room. It's not very fitting, but it's a temporary thing."

I raised my eyebrows. "I have to sleep in the exercise room?"

Zaezzes nodded.

I sighed, realizing I had no other choice.


Third person's POV

Jennifer had been walking for nearly 20 minutes. She was exhausted, as her body seemed to be in less shape, but was determined not to stop till she reached her goal: Emily's house.

When Emily was being taken away by her father, Jennifer knew only bad things could happen to Emily. She feared for Emily's life, she knew it'd be a matter of time before the CAT would destroy Emily.

But, ever since she heard that Emily had escaped, she felt a new burst of energy in herself. She had to find Emily, she needed to find Emily. She could feel her body being in desperate need to be in Emily's presence again. And she wondered if her child would be the cause of that.

As she was walking, Jennifer felt the extra weight she was dragging along. Though, instead of complaining about it, she felt happy about it. She knew what this extra weight was: it was her child with Emily.

In the two days that Emily had been gone, she felt as if their child had grown at a rapid speed. Jennifer knows that babies of them grew way faster than humans: 1 week of pregnancy with a child of them equals 5 weeks of a pregnancy with a human baby. It always baffled her mind, even now that she was experiencing it herself...

Eventually, Jennifer arrived at Emily's house but noticed the CAT being present in large numbers. She can't be here...

Jennifer sighed and walked away. Where do I go? She looked down, stumbling, until she heard a car horn. She looked up and saw a car stop next to her. Cautiously, she approached the car.

"Hey," A familiar face smiled at her. "Aren't you Emily's girlfriend?"

"Yeah," She tried remembering where she had seen the man in the car before. "Who are you?"

He smiled. "I'm Emily's uncle Ben," He reached out to open the car door. "Get in, I'll bring you to her."

"Thank you," She slowly got in, she could feel she was exhausted. "Thank you." She repeated.

"You're welcome." Ben smiled and drove them to the BC house, to Emily.

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