Chapter 22: Dinner after school

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Emily's POV

"So, have you thought about it?" Julian asked as we were eating our lunch, again just outside the school.

"About what?"

He gave me a look. "You know?" He waited, probably for me to remember what he was talking about but, when he realized I really didn't know what he meant, he went on: "My parents want to meet you."

"Oh, that?" I took another bite of my sandwich.

"Yes that," He put his sandwich down. "You've thought about it, right?"

I looked at him and noticed this clearly meant a lot to him. "Of course," I smiled at him. "I'd love to meet them."

His face immediately lit up. "Really?"

"Yes," I smiled more. "When can I come?"

"Wait," He got up, taking his phone out of the pocket of his pants. "I'll call my mom." And with that, he walked off a bit to have a chat about the matter.

And I waited. I looked around, at nothing really, and noticed Jen's car in the parking lot. I smiled. I got all fuzzy inside now that I knew she was the one. The one... It's so unbelievable to realize that. I wonder if zaezzes felt the same way too when she realized mom was the one for her.

I then took my phone and decided to send my girlfriend, my one true love, a text: I miss you, I long for you, I can't wait to be with you. - Emily

I smiled at the text.

"What's so funny?"

I looked up and saw Julian stand there. "Uhm nothing," I put my phone away. "I was thinking about something."

"What?" He smiled.

I smiled too. "So what did your parents say?" I asked, changing the subject.

And thankfully, Julian went along with it. "It's alright with them, you can come tonight if you want."


He nodded. "Or are you busy?"

I felt my phone buzz. I took it out of the pocket of my pants and read the text from Jen: I miss you too, I can't wait for tonight ;). I smiled. "Uhm," I looked at Julian again. "What time tonight?"

"Whatever suits you."

I nodded before sending a text back to Jen saying: I'll be having dinner with a friend of mine, I'll meet you in your room afterwards.


I looked at him again. "So after school, I'll join you," I then smiled at him. "Is that ok?"

He smiled. "Of course," He then came to me and hugged me. "Thank you, this means a lot to me."


After school, I had to fight the urge to go to the office right next to my locker to be with Jen. I could technically go in for a quick kiss but I'd rather savor the moments I can spend with her. So I'll wait till tonight.

"Ready?" Julian asked, he seemed and sounded really eager. It almost would be weird but, considering the fact I would be the first friend he'd ever bring home, it wasn't. I felt honored to be his first friend to take home.

"Lead the way."

Julian would always go home by bicycle. I didn't have one, as I always came by car. So he told me I could sit at the back while he'd ride us to his home. I have to admit, doing that, it really made me feel like a normal teenager. Like I had no care in the world.

We arrived at his house. He simply put the bike in front of his house, without securing it at all, and then went to the front door. He unlocked it and let me enter first.

"Welcome in my house," He motioned to the cozy house. "Can I get you something?"

I smiled at him, trying to be the perfect host. "I don't need anything for the moment, thanks though," I looked around some more. "You have a nice house."

"Thanks," He pulled off his jacket and shoes, and dropped his backpack by the front door. "Come on in," He motioned me to follow him. "This is the living room," He motioned to it. "And these are my mother and father"

"Hello, nice meeting you." I extended my hand, shaking it and smiling at the mother.

"It's so nice to meet a friend of Julian's," The mother smiled as she held my hand a bit tighter. "Thank you."

I smiled a bit, before looking at the father. "Hello," I presented my hand to him. "Nice meeting you."

He looked at me. "Yeah, hello."

"Will you stop?" The mother said, her voice raised. "We have a visitor."

"I know," The father looked at me then. "Hi." He looked away again, to nothing in particular.

I dropped my hand and looked at Julian. He seemed to get the hint. "Let me show you around."


Julian had shown me the entire house: every room, every object, everything he could talk about. He was proud to present it to me and I was happy he was proud, so I let him have his moment.

"Hey," He said as we sat down on his bed, in his room. "I'm sorry," He looked down then. "For my dad."

"Don't worry about it."

"I do," He looked at me. "I'm sorry for how he acted."

"It's fine, really." I smiled at him, trying to cheer him up.

"It's not," He sighed as he looked down again. "I had hoped he wouldn't be himself, for once," He sighed once more. "I guess it was too much to ask."

"He didn't shake my hand, but he said hello," I put my hand onto his. "It's alright."

He looked down. "I guess so," He sighed. "I wish he'd stop suspecting everyone of betraying him, of lying to him..." He sighed once more, a deeper sigh. "I'm so sick of it."

"Do you know why he is this way?"

Julian nodded. "Because he was betrayed by the people he loved," He looked at me then. "I mean, I get that that hurts but he still has me."

"What did those people do?"

Julian looked down again, fidgeting with his hands. "One chose them over humans, the other..." He gulped, seemingly having a hard time with this. "The other one lied about their true race."

I looked away then, realizing I was lying to Julian and his family too. If they'd find out, if Julian would find out... He'd hate me. He'd hate me because of the labels that were put onto my kind. Labels that were wrongfully put onto me as well.

"I'm sorry," He looked at me. "I shouldn't be bothering you with this stuff," He got up then. "Come on, let's go eat dinner."

"Yeah," I got up too. "Let's."

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