Chapter 35: Haewa

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Emily's POV

I sighed as I looked around the exercise room and, in the middle, a bed. If this wasn't my temporary room, I'd find this comical.

I sighed once more as I went to lay down on the bed. Thankfully, it was a good bed. I'd sleep well here, the scenery doesn't really matter when you sleep anyway...

I put the sheets over me and closed my eyes. I let out one final sigh before drifting off to sleep.

But then the lights went on in my room.

I noticed and sat up. I looked at the door. "Mom?"

She smiled at me. "There's someone at the door for you."

"For me?" I was confused but got up anyway. I put on my shoes and followed mom down the stairs. "Who is it?" I had asked her on our way down, but she only giggled and refused to answer.

When we arrived downstairs, mom motioned me to go first. So I walked to the front door and stopped.

Jennifer saw me and smiled, tears in her eyes. "Emily?" She walked to me. "Oh, Emily!" She hugged me tightly. "Thank God, you're safe!"

I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her too. I caressed her back, almost instinctively, and sighed happily.

"I really thought they'd kill you," She sniffled in my arms. "I felt so lonely without you, I was so scared that our baby wouldn't have you in their life."

I let out a breath. "You're not going to lose me," I kissed her head. "I promise."

We hugged for a while before I took her with me to the exercise room, or my temporary room as it is now. Though I had noticed she was exhausted, probably because of the pregnancy, so I carried her up the stairs.

"Here you go," I said as I gently laid her down in bed. I reached for the sheets and pulled them over me and her. "Are you good like this?"

She smiled at me, caressing my cheek. "Perfect," She kept looking me in the eyes and, once again, I saw that slight glance. "I love you, haewa." She said dreamily.

I let out a happy breath. Not only did she tell me she loves me, but she also said haewa correctly... "I love you too, haewa," I laid down next to her. "How are you feeling?"

"Perfect," She reached for my hand and put it gently on her belly. "We really missed you."

I smiled at her before looking at her belly. I couldn't help but smile more as I remembered that inside there, my child was growing. My offspring, my saving grace.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Jen smile at me.

I leaned down to her belly and laid my ear to listen. I listened, even though I knew I wouldn't hear anything yet.

Jen giggled a bit.

I looked up at her. "What?"

She shook her head. "It's beautiful to see you with our unborn child," She smiled then. "I can already tell you'll be an amazing mother."

"An amazing zaezzes."

Jen frowned. "What's that?"

"It means 'mother' in my language," I pecked her lips. "Remember?"

She slowly nodded. "I'll have to learn that language," She sighed. "I hate studying."

"Or," I got on top of her, though making sure not to put too much pressure on her belly. "I can teach you."

"Mmm," She opened her legs for me before wrapping her arms around me, granting me access to be close to her. "How will you teach me?"

"I know lots of fun ways," I leaned in, kissing her neck. "One kiss for every right word, for example."

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