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Taehyung walked inside the classroom, his heels clicking on the floor and everyone squealed as taehyung entered the classroom.

He could hear people complimenting his style, few talking about his cheerleading skills and some even talking about how him and jungkook look so cute together.

He looked around to see his best friend waving over him. He smiled and quickly rushed towards jimin.

"Where's your beloved boyfriend whom you chose over me?" Jimin huffed

"Chim~ you're still salty over that? Come on~ it happened months ago!" Taehyung whined in a pouty tone

"How can i?! You chose that rat over me! The guy who had been best friends with you since poopy days!" Jimin frowned

"Oh come on chim, you know I love you but hey! Don't call him a rat, he's nice to you" taehyung said in a pouty tone

"Whatever. That bitch gets to take my best friend's entire love and I am here sucking hoseok's dick" jimin whined

"But come on, you know you love your two boyfriends" taehyung said as he gave jimin a lopsided grin

"Aaaand I agree with your statement for once" jimin rolled his eyes while taehyung chuckled

"But hey seriously, where's jungkook?"

"He had to run twenty rounds because he got late by the nuisance he did in the morning" taehyung chuckled

"I prefer the word naughty stuff for nuisance" jimin smirked while taehyung playfully hit him

"Anyways, coming to the cheerleading stuff. We are having cheerleading tryouts right?" Jimin asked and taehyung nodded

"Yes, there are tryouts for the basketball team too since the freshers are coming" taehyung said

"You two must be busy listing the contestents right?"

"Yeah, it takes our time but we ditch the work and go out for a little while" taehyung chuckled

The bell rang and the students became quiet when the teacher entered

Taehyung and jimin looked at the guy who had just rushed past their class and chuckled

"Looks like your boyfriend is gonna spend one hell out of a period in the corridor" jimin whispered to taehyung who chuckled

"Well at least it smacks inside his little brain that not to get horny when you are late" taehyung giggled

"But how didn't you get late?" Jimin asked

"I may or may not have locked him inside the bathroom while I got ready" taehyung winked while jimin chuckled

"To be honest, you guys are couple goals. I mean seriously, look at all those fans you have, not even any kpop group can imagine that" jimin said and taehyung giggled

"But I seriously don't know what makes us that popular"

"Well fucking duh, you are such a hottie, I mean school's "princess" and jungkook is the "badboy" of the school. You two are like those famous characters from a movie. How can you not be popular?" jimin squealed silently

"Whatever. It's me and jungkook that matters" taehyung smiled

"You are so whipped for a rat like him" jimin said

"Yeah but whatever, I know he's a jerk sometimes but I am happy that I get to call him mine" taehyung winked at jimin

"I heard that there is a new fresher girl that came and she's become popular in no time. Although she isn't that popular as you but we got competition ya know?" Jimin said and taehyung hummed

"What's her name though?" Taehyung asked

"Something like.......ah yes!


He's my jerk| Book 2| TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now