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Taehyung smacked his lips together after applying his cherry lip balm and smiled while he looked at himself in the mirror. The only thing in his mind right now is; how to get rid of that fake bitch, IU.

He got out of the bathroom and suddenly everything had changed. People gave him weird stares and whispered while looking at him. He got confused as he ignored all of them and went inside the classroom.

And as soon as he got inside, jimin rushed towards him and held his shoulders while giving him a worried look.

"What happened, jimin?" taehyung asked as jimin dragged him towards their seat.

"You need to see this, tae. Quickly" jimin said as he gave the phone to taehyung.

It was a video on the college's news website.

The heading was: Cheerleader Captain threatening new-comer in this horrifying video:

And it was about him and IU.

He played it.

"If you want me to slit your throat, then keep going on and I bet you know that i don't lie"

"I like these expressions more~"

"Two bitches can't stay under the same roof for long, the fake one needs to go and I am damn sure you know who it is"

Taehyung silently laid his head down on the desk while jimin panicked.

"T-tae, don't cry, please. I know you're not at fault" jimin said. Taehyung lifted his head and rolled his eyes.

"Please jimin, I don't cry over some lame-ass tricks played by an amateur. I thought she would play right but she chose to play dirty. So I'll give her the dirty too" taehyung scoffed as he got up from his seat and went out of the classroom. 

He saw jungkook rushing towards him and he stopped.

Jungkook came towards him and cupped his cheeks.

"Babe, are you fine? I just saw the video" jungkook asked in a worried tone while taehyung smiled thinking how jungkook was worried about him and not about the scene, not about IU.

"I'm fine. I just want you to trust me, okay? I didn't do anything wrong" taehyung said and jungkook hugged him, ruffling his hair.

"Of course, I trust you, babe. I don't care about all this shit, I just want you to be safe and fine" jungkook said and taehyung hugged him back, before parting.

"I have to go somewhere, jungkook. I'll be right back" taehyung said and left from there.

He knocked on the principal's office. When the principal allowed him in, he sat on the seat in front of him and smiled.

"Good Morning Sir, I know you've seen the video too. But I need to place my point of view in front of you too if I may" taehyung said and the principal was pleased with taehyung's way of talking and he immediately nodded.

Taehyung took his phone out and showed the video to the principal.

"Sir, if you look closely, the video has lots of cuts which shows that it has been edited a lot, and the motive was clearly to make me the bad guy. Maybe this happened after the cheerleading incident at the competition and someone wanted to blame me for that and this. But IU and me are really good friends and we even know each other very well. This was just an inside joke between me and IU. If you call her, she'd clear this out too. We thought we were the only ones in the bathroom but someone was there to frame me for this. I hope you do clear this misunderstanding by calling IU here, delete the video from the site and clear the air" taehyung said and the principal thought for a while before nodding and was about to press the intercom when taehyung stopped him.

"I'll go and call her, Sir" he flashed a cute smile to the principal who exclaimed a 'yes, thank you'.

He flicked his hair as he got out of the office and walked towards IU's classroom.

He knocked on the glass as the class looked at him. Everyone was shocked and started whispering. Even IU was shocked seeing taehyung there.

"IU, the principal is calling you," taehyung said as he flicked his hair and smirked.

IU's heart started racing thinking she was outed. She gulped as she stood up and walked towards taehyung, who immediately grabbed her arm harshly and dragged her out.

They briskly walked towards the principal's office as taehyung squeezed IU's arm harshly making her wince in pain.

"Listen, you little bitch. I have seen a lot of wack players like you, so don't think you can degrade me. Now you're gonna say it was all a misunderstanding in front of the principal" taehyung said as they walked.

"And what if I don't?" IU said as taehyung halted and turned towards her before smirking and leaning closer to her.

"Then I'll tell eevverryyone what you did to your junior in your previous school" taehyung whispered and smirked while watching IU's eyes turn wide with horror.

They continued walking before they reached the principal's office.

And as taehyung had said, IU had said it was a misunderstanding and watched the principal delete the news.

"Alright, taehyung. I'll make sure that something like this won't happen, and we'll find the person behind this. I'll also tell the news editor to write an article clearing your name" the principal said as taehyung flashed his boxy smile to him.

"Thank you so much for your kindness, Sir," he said while the principal smiled back at him.

They left the office and were walking back when IU spoke up.

"I think you underestimate me too much, taehyungie" IU chuckled while taehyung rolled his eyes.

"I think I can up my game now, don't you think so?" IU sang as she looked at taehyung who glared at her.

"Well, you can try," taehyung said as he ruffled her hair before stopping in front of his class while IU squinted her eyes at him.

He turned towards her, smiled and winked.

"But this time, I won't let you off this easily~" 

He's my jerk| Book 2| TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now