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The worry on Mingyu's face was evident once I opened the door to our dorm.

I shut the door behind me, and he jumps out of the kitchen.

"Heya, Jun! I was worried! You just disappeared on me! You've never done that! Plus, it was with Minghao!"

With each statement his voice grows louder, and I push him back onto the couch.

"Hey, I'm fine. I had to, uhm, help Minghao with something. Needed another Chinese, haha."

I can't think of anything to brush this off with, damn.

"Look, I know I tell you everything. This is just a lot right now. I'm tired and have to get to class, I just came to get my bag."

I sling it on my shoulder and walk past the boggled Mingyu.

"Dude, that's barely an answer!"

I put my shoes on. "Sorry, I don't know what you're saying. I gotta go. Ciao!"

And with just a little bit of regret, I shut the door on my friend.


"Say, are you feeling better today, Joshua?" I ask, placing my fingers on the tips of his to gather his attention. The boy had been staring forward at the lecturer, though it was clear his mind was on other things.

He stiffened as he looked at our hands. I curl my fingers and look back up at him.


"Peachy. I got good sleep, say, and should be back to myself soon."

I rest my head on my hand. What an excuse.

We continue on, commenting time to time about the lecture or on others in the class. He seems to be almost normal again, until the door silently opens at the bottom of the lecture room.

"Ah, place them here," the professor motions.

Minghao strides past the board to place a stack of papers on a far off desk. As he turns back to leave his gaze meets mine, and his hand comes up coyly to wave at me.

I feel my heart drop in excitement at this, and wave back with a cold hand.

For the rest of the lecture, Joshua was silent.

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