*Rewritten* Ch 7: Helz Isle - Part 2

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"Well one thing's for sure. This island isn't called Helz Isle for no reason." A cream fur coated feline told Shane as they walked through the Eastern forest.

"I highly doubt that cats are a threat, Tobi." Shane countered as she looked upon her newly found ally. What he was saying was actually quite ironic, considering the fact he was with her.

"I wasn't talking about us, cats." Tobi stated as he climbed a nearby tree and sat on its thick branch to grab her attention.

"There's a monster on the loose within this island." He started as his tail swished sideways from agitation. ".. and he's probably hunting you the moment you arrived."

Shane crossed her arms as she tilted her head to the side. "Are you trying to scare me? Because you're doing a pretty crappy job."

"Heh. I'm not trying to scare you, Shane." Tobi said as he brought his furry little paws upon the teen's cheeks.

"I'm warning you!" The cat hissed as he locked his chocolate brown eyes with Shane's hazel ones.

"Oh really?" The girl mocked, finding the idea ridiculous. Not to mention that she was actually being threatened by a talking cat.

"Don't believe me?" Tobi whimpered as he dropped down to the ground receiving a brief nod from Shane.

"Fine then. Follow me." He motioned at the girl with his paw as he scurried ahead towards a vine covered wall. "I have something to show you."

Tobi brought out his claws and sliced on a certain spot, letting the vines drop to the ground like snakes waiting for a chance to snap on its prey as a rusty metal door came into view.

The cat pushed it open, activating a series of lights of what seemed like..

"A Marine Base?" Shane gasped as she slipped pass the door, eying at the slumped dead bodies of Marines across the mid-sized station.

There were traces of blood through the walls, each leading to a brutal death. The very sight was inhumane. Who could've done this?

"It's more of a former.. experimental lab." Tobi sighed out as he turned over a large swivel chair that revealed a bloody dead scientist with a metal pole stabbed beneath his throat.

"That must've been so painful.." Shane gulped as her hand shot up to her throat, imagining how the man's reaction should've been. The way he struggled from the killer's grasp--

"It would've been." Tobi replied with a queasy expression. "But he was already dead before they did that to him."

"What do you mean by already dead?" The girl queried as a puzzled look swept across her face.

"He wasn't killed by the people who rampaged through this place." Tobi answered as his eyes swept over the remains of the Marine Base. "The doctor brought death upon himself."


Tobi wasn't going to let himself be interrupted. "You see Shane, the doctor was my master. He was a good man." Tobi glanced at the doctor's body before he turned the chair around to obscure it from eyes view.

"He was known as Dr. Aurir Shaw, one of the Marine scientists stationed here to perform experiments for the World Government thirteen years ago." The cat informed while rummaging through a series of drawers.

"Experiments? What kind?" Shane asked as soon as Tobi poked his head out of a certain drawer, holding a silver container with a golden lock through the middle.

"These." The cat waved the box as he placed it on top of a study desk. "Stupid box won't open!" He cursed as his teeth bit over the lock.

"Cute." Shane scoffed as she took out her sword and motioned for Tobi to move. "Let me give it a shot."

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