*Rewritten* Ch 11: Remember That

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"If this is some sort of sick joke, I swear that I'll shove your head in through that fish's mouth-" Shane pointed at the fountain beside them. "-because this isn't funny Blaze!! And I'm not in the mood to play some game of yours so will you just drop the act!!" Shane bursted out furiously as she managed to pry Blaze off of her earlier, her hands were now fisted aggressively across his shirt's collar as she looked at him with enraged eyes.

"Tell me you're lying.. !!!" Shane said in a smothering desperate plea as she buried her face through his chest. "Please.."


A few minutes had passed as Blaze tried to come up with an answer. It made Shane feel a lot more terrified as they stood there. The silence was scaring her. Making it seem that he was telling the truth. But Blaze was just scaring her... right?

The ravenette's breath hitched as she felt Blaze's chin rest on top of her head, his hands, slowly making their way to rest upon the sides of her hips. He couldn't die. Not now. Not ever.

"I'll be lying if I said I was." Blaze whispered, tickling the girl's scalp with his cool breath. His voice had a mix of anguished guilt as he felt Shane's frame stiffen. "I am gonna-"

Slap! Blaze felt a sudden stinging sensation through his cheek as Shane's hand made contact.

"Don't you even dare say that!" She shouted out, her sooty black eyes were completely smothered with hurt the moment she knew what he was about to say next.

She couldn't bear to hear it once more.

"But it's true!!" Blaze countered, only to receive another hard slap by his cheek.

"Don't.. say that." The girl breathed out in between unexpected sobs, her cheeks were now drenched with hot tears that continued streaming down, dripping down till it rested slightly beneath her chin and fall ever so gently to rest upon the marble floor.

"Y-You're not going to.. t-to.." Shane tried to voice out, she couldn't even utter the word as she broke down into tears. It made her look so helpless. So vulnerable. So weak.

But she didn't care. She just wants Blaze to live.

"Shane..." The boy called out her name in a soothing tone, making it sound like a crying child's lullaby as he brought up his hands, cupping the girl's face as he wiped away her tears with his thumbs.

"Stop crying because of me. I'm not worth your tears..."

Shane's jaw tightened as she heard his words. She couldn't shrug off the feeling that it sounded like the last words of a dying man.

His eyes were pooled with sincerity that guilt started stabbing Shane through her chest more and more as she recalled her decision. To split up by that river. To part ways. She was so stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

"This is all my fault..!!" Shane suddenly let out in a strangled tone, her eyebrows were burrowed with regret as she clenched her fists by her sides. "Why is that everything I do is wrong..?!!"

The boy's eyes widened from Shane's sudden outburst, letting his hands slip down by the sides of her arms. "What are you saying?!" He glared as he tightened his grip on her. "Don't blame this on yourself! This isn't your-"

"It is my fault!!" Shane spat out as she jerked away from the said man.

"We could've just went through this island together but I chose to go alone!! To leave you alone!" She cried out in a hoarse voice as she flailed her hand vehemently at Blaze who was looking at her with a pained expression. "And now look at what happened!!" Shane added as she bowed her head down, feeling the tears pressing on.

"You're gonna.." Shane's voice cracked as she swallowed a lump in her throat. "And it's all because of me.."

Blaze stiffened after hearing Shane's statement. He wanted to say she was wrong. But as he saw Shane's rigid figure, her trembling shoulders, he knew it'll just hurt her more.

"Well look on the bright side.." Blaze spoke out, making Shane look up to those warm violaceous eyes of his. "At least you're the last person I see before I go."

He smiled.

And Shane felt as if her heart just broke by the sight of him.

'At least you're the last person I see before I go..'

'Before I go..'

"Please don't leave me.."

Blaze grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in for a soft tender embrace. It was killing him. Her tears. Her words. Her pain. He could feel it all. And he couldn't do anything to stop it.

"I'll always be with you.." He whispered through her ear, sending shivers down Shane's spine as his hands interlocked with hers.

'Shane, I love you..' A single tear escaped through Blaze's features as he closed his eyes and kissed her forehead.

"Remember that."











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