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Dr.Annika's Husband


I woke up jerking as I heard my phone ringing. Hurriedly I reached forgetting it's just my alarm. Looking at my phone I sighed, its regular for me. Sometimes this would be an emergency case or this stupid alarm. I love my sleep but my work never coordinates with it.

Annoyed I left the bed and went to shower. Hot water went down my body and I felt as if it is giving me a rebirth. But soon the routine starts. Coming out, I dressed myself in my formal white shirt and black jeans.

I set my not so long, silky black and brown streaky hair, I tied it into a pony. Looking at the mirror I couldn't believe myself I was a kid and the journey towards becoming a doctor was not easy as people portray. It needs lot of sacrifices, mainly my sleep and hard work.

Taking vermilion in my fingers I smudged a tinge of it in between my hairline and tied my nuptial chain around my neck. These both where the only things which he gave. Before I go into more of thoughts my phone rang.

Looking at caller ID, a smile adorned my face. Smiling I picked it up. "Hello, Prinku! How are you?" I bombarded her with my question. My husband 's sister, my sister from another mother.

"Hi, Bhabhi, I am good. You?" She sounded a bit low. Other cases I knew her chirpy tone.

"I'm fine, Prinku! What is my niece or nephew telling? Troubling their momma, is it?" I thought may be, I just lighten her mood before confronting her. But i guess it failed.

"I miss mom, Bhabhi! " I figured it but still I wasn't sure. I know how much a six-month pregnant lady would miss and crave for her mother's warmth.

Hearing her sobs and feeling her vulnerability, I panicked. "Prinku? Prinku, what is it? Is everything alright?" my question made her exhale heavily.

"Nothing, Bhabhi. Just missing mom" She lied and I knew there was something else she was hiding.

"Prinku, you know right? You can share anything with me. Before being your sister-in-law, I am your sister, right!" I tried convincing her, maybe Priyanka didn't want to reveal it now.

"Nothing, Bhabhi. I am fine. I just called to inform I will be visiting mom today". She changed the topic and I had to give in.

"Okay, Prinku! Come soon, we will be waiting." I replied her and hung the call. I gazed up seeing myself in mirror. Not knowing what was going to be up, I left my room.

Reaching the kitchen, I soon got flashes of ShivOmRu's kitchen atrocities. I missed those moments, where those three of them spent their time laughing, chatting and cooking, only if Shivaay would have been on track. Shrugging I made lemonade and got aspirin from the medical kit. Taking it up to his room, I saw him still sleeping like a baby having frown. Keeping it on his side table, I made up his room.

Getting down the stairs I saw Tej Papa sitting on couch as usual going through today's Business Line. He left business years ago handing over to Shivaay. He thought his elder son will take care of the business and his thought turned out to be true, only till Shivaay was in his senses. He still takes care of business but his passion, love and rage for business was nowhere to be seen now.

I was in my land and didn't not hear my father-in-law calling. "Good morning, Annika beta! Annika, are you here!" He wondered where was I lost.

Soon gaining my composure I replied. "Good morning, papa! Sorry, was just zoned out. I will go get your coffee!" I stepped ahead to move.

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