▪︎ Billu ▪︎

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"Shivaay, I wish I could say the same but!" Lyza stopped stopping my heart beat for a moment.

"But what?" I literally screamed out. This girl is giving me suspense really? Suspense in this issue!

"Shivaay, calm down" Niki rubbed my hands to calm me down. Taking a long breath in

"Lyza dont test my patience! Tell me what is it?" I asked holding on to my temper.

"Shivaay! Anika's body isn't responding to the treatment. I mean it is but the phase is really slow. Her body is not accepting the intended speed of curing. According to the stage she is in and the time taken doesn't get well." Lyza told shocking us both.

I dont know when my hands started trembling. Immediately Anika held my hands. But it wasn't working now.

"So?" I asked in a dry voice.

"If it's the same after two sessions of her Chemotherapy, we need to opt for bone marrow transplant. We need a donor for it and I really dont want to keep your hopes high. Regarding the transplant there are fifty-fifty chances because her cancer stage is very forward. So, if her genetics accept the bone marrow still her body needs to accept which is a bit difficult. In case if her body accepts, she will be fine but If it doesn't then. Sorry!" She told looking down. Pushing Anika's hand and the chair behind I left the cabin.

How the hell can she tell that? My Niki will be fine! Nothing will happen to her. She is strong, in no way I am letting anything happen to her. She has to be fine, for me! I will not let anything happen to her. I didnt know when my eyes started tearing up.

"Shivaay!" Anika whispered placing her hand on my shoulders. No. No I can't fall weak in front of her. She will lose her hope also. I can't let this happen. Clearing my face, I faced her

"Yes Anika, What did she say?" I asked holding her hands

"the next session is tomorrow "she told looking directly into my eyes.

"Shivaay, You are okay?" She asked worriedly and I nodded positively smiling

"yes Niki! Let's leave" I told holding her wrists and going towards the exit.

The whole drive was silent, I neither had the courage to look at her nor speak to her. This is suffocating me. Suddenly she started coughing hardly. I stopped the car in jerk, trying to calm her down and giving her water.

But it wasn't stopping, soon she became breathless and I hugged her tight and rubbing her back. Her breathless stopped but what I witnessed breaking the hug killed. She was coughing blood! I was numb for a minute. The blood was near her mouth as well as some on her hands. The look on my face was enough to show I was scared and she knew it.

Immediately she turned her face and moved out the car. I still wasn't able to react to anything. This isn't the first time she coughed blood but still each time she does my breath hitches. The noise of her again coughing came bringing me out of whatever I was thinking.

"Shit" I cursed releasing my seat belt and jumping out of the car. My Niki is suffering and i am thinking nonsense idiot! Sprinting towards her and I tried holding her but she wriggled knowing how I react when I see all these.

"Niki! Stop" I shouted holding her and rubbing her back and making her drink water.

"Shivaay! No leave I am fine. You dont have to see this" she told in between her coughs. The moment she uttered those; I hugged her tight kissing on top of her hairs.

"Shut up Niki! You are no one to separate you from me. Got it!" I told sternly Ans rubbed her back. It worked. Making her sit on the passenger seat, bending on my knees in front of her caressing her hand

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