▪︎The Shivaay Singh Oberoi is back▪︎

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Shivaay the name gives me shivers and chills now also, even that i want to go away from him still he lingers in my mind and heart. This wasn't difficult as it feels when I had to see his love for Diya but now everything is becoming tough for me by each passing second.

Even after the acknowledgement of his feeling towards me, I can't go to him after knowing about my state. This would be an unfair act and I won't turn selfish.

He has life to live which i can't snatch it because of my condition. After so long years he has come out of it though he says he loves me but eventually he will forget soon, his feelings were recognized only in a short span of time it would be easy for him to forget me than going deep into his feelings.

Why dint I come to know before? was I so lost in my own sorrow and life that I didn't figure out the constant symptoms of my disease. That constant Itchy skin and rashes on my skin which I neglected it to be some allergy, the shortness of breath each time I do some heavy work which I shrugged thinking it to be because of my lack of work out or exercise.

Fevers peeking each month and at times weeks which I subsided by having simple fever medicines, the chillness in my body frequently in a hot weather. The tiredness and fatigue I had after hospital hours and me sleeping for hours neglecting it. Often emptiness in my stomach still having no or low appetite, each time i see some yummy dishes my mouth waters but never had the willingness to eat it.

Everything was happening in front of me but I never bothered to look up at it. What kind of Doctor I am even, I didn't figure my own changes in my body? Now I am suffering all together and it took me to the 3rd Stage.

"Ani" i came out of my world and I saw Siddharth standing near the door, now I need to give a closure for everything. I can't let Shivaay again go into the same depressive mood and destroy his life."

"Hey Sid! How do you do?" I falsely smiled looking at him.

"I am good Ani, and I am not the one who met with an accident" he told chuckling looking at me, I sighed

"Sid, I am sorry for whatever Shivaay did the other day! I am sorry on his behalf; he should have not behaved that way and I don't know what got into him." I told looking down whatever happened that day, Sidharth never deserved to be treated that way.

He has been with me through thick and thin of my life, Sid, Nithu and me were the buddies in high school and college too. Soon Sid found his love and interest to be in film making that he discontinued his medical career.

"Ani you weren't at fault and also Shivaay somewhere, maybe I went overboard. So, don't apologize okay!" he told holding my hands and I sighed heavily.

"Sid, I need a favor from you" my eyes directly went down, he would obviously get shocked with what I am going ask.

"When did you start asking me these! go ahead ani" he told sipping the water in the glass.

"I want you to fake a wedding with me" he spit the water out the moment I uttered those words and I closed my eyes tightly.

"I think I heard something wrong! pardon me" he told smiling Shockley at me.

"you heard it right Mr. Rana. I need you to fake a wedding with me" i told looking at him sternly but how much ever I try the pit forming in my stomach, when I talk about a wedding with someone else other than Shivaay doesn't stop and make me feel horrible.

"Have you lost it Anika? Did something happened to you in the accident that you are talking all nonsense" he screamed looking at me with furrowed eyebrows, I knew he would react like this but I need to be strong.

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