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Have some shame , Mr.Oberoi


I found it weird. People asking a doctor to meet instead of meeting the doctor was really ridiculous. Telling the nurse to leave I left heading towards last patient. Then went to the waiting area to meet that unknown attitude freak.

Reaching there I found many people roaming around, sitting and chatting. Now where will I go search for that macho man, who wanted me to come and meet him.

Suddenly I heard a voice from back. "Dr., that person is waiting for you in parking area." Receptionist told looking at me with an extra smile. I wondered why was she smiling like a toothpaste advertisement model. Nodding to her, I went ahead to parking area. While going I heard staffs and people talking about the him.

"You know, the man who came looking for Dr. Annika was really handsome and hot" one of the nurses commented. Leading me to frown. Other gave another comment "Ah! How I wish he was my prince charming, I'm already Fidaa looking at his eyes! " Now something strikes my mind. Eyes, hot and handsome. If I'm not wrong Arnav Bhai or Shivaay is here. But why would Shivaay come here, he was in the hunt of the best gynae. So, he coming here is next to impossible.

On the other hand, why would Arnav Bhai ask me to meet him, he would directly come to cabin if needed. Confusion over lapped my brain as I left towards parking area only to get a shock of my life.

I was looking at him with wide eyes. What the actual hell, how did he come here? I mean why did he come here? He and his ego are best friends, how this can even happen? I was literally going towards him with open mouth as if I saw a dinosaur in two thousand nineteen eras.

God, Shivaay was standing leaning to his branded black car and having his phone scrolled down through one hand, and the other taking puffs from cigarette. How I wish to go and snatch that cigarette from his hand.

In trance of shock, I went and stood in front of him like a deer looking at the lion, ready for its pounce. Suddenly looking at me in front, he put that cigarette down squeezing it with his branded and shiny black shoe.

Clearing his throat, he started " Umm. Do you work here? " Was his first genuine question in these three years. I nodded coming out the shock which he gave me, butterflies in my stomach already started doing their work with extra speed. Whenever he was near, he drives me insane and now he was in front and conversing with me.

" Nothing. Actually, I came to drop my friend here, he had some problem in his heart" " he reasoned out his visit.

" Ahh! Here they dont treat cardiac problems, this is gynaecology department. Cardiac department is the other side. " I corrected his reasoning out.

" Is it? Never mind he will find out! " Shivaay told as If he didn't care but, now I suspect, did he really come here for dropping his friend. Arnav bhai and Ishaan bhai are only his friends, he is really an introvert who doesn't meet and talk much to people.

I don't know what happened next, he was thinking something and I was staring at him for his next question. His pupils where roaming around from one corner to another, as if they were searching something. I knew deep down his blue eyes was thinking something.

He sighed turned to leave as if giving up on something that he wants. But turned back the next second asking." You called me? " I started nodding in negative but something strokes my mind, now I know why he came her and stammered to talk. Nodding my head in positive.

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