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"The best gynecologist of the year goes to who else! my wife Anika Shivaay Singh Oberoi." announced Shivaay having a proud grin on his face standing on the stage with a trophy in his right hand and a mike in the other.

" we request Mrs. Anika Shivaay Singh Oberoi, MD, CEO of Sunshine group of Hospitals to come and collect the award." declared. I could see Shivaay coming ahead to help in climbing up the stairs making me blush a bit.

"Congrats" he whispered while holding my waist going up te stage.

"Thank you" I whispered when he handed over the award to me with that proud smile on.

"Congratulations mam! we are so glad that you are receiving this award and also from you husband. Few words on it. " the host asked facing me. God! this stage fear.

Clearing up my throat "umm. Firstly, I would thank almighty for this opportunity and this success. Secondly to Mr. Husband" I uttered and the side hugged me tightly as if sending his strength to me.

"for being there with me and standing beside me during my hardships. I didn't have the courage and strength to face the world, I at times gave up on everything. Is he who pulled me up, dusted me and stood beside me as a pillar to lean on when I needed? So, I dedicate this award to my Husband Shivaay Singh Oberoi" I completed and the tears started lining, he was quick in griping my hand and comforting me.

"aww! Its so lovely o hears this from you. And I guess it's Mr. Oberoi who is behind your success" the host questioned dumb.

"without any doubt. There always stands a man behind a women's success and it's my husband in my case." I told having a warm and pleasant feeling.

"Well, we request Mr. Oberoi to read out the next award for the best hospital of the year." The host again told; I was about to leave but stopped listening to Shivaay.

"The best hospital of the year goes to SUNSHINE group of hospitals" he announced and I smiled widely.

"we again request Mrs. Anika Shivaay Singh Oberoi to receive the award on behalf of Mr. Arnav Trivedi who is partner in the same group of hospitals." the host told and I received the award from Shivaay smiling widely.

"I'm so happy Nikki, I never knew I could present those awards to you. I feel like I'm top of the world" Shivaay said as we both made our ways to the car.

"Nikki, stay here I will get the car "he moved the other side.

"Mr. Oberoi!!" I heard a familiar voice calling me.

"Diya" I squealed and hugged her not hurting her 2-year-old baby boy Adish.

"hey Adii" I showed my arms promoting him to come to me and he happily made his way to me with a cute and admirable smile.

"congratulations Mrs.Oberoi. Heard you banged the best gynac" she jumped in happiness.

"yeah! that to from my husband" I told with a tinch of proudness.

"woahhh. That's awesome." she expressed her amusement and happiness.

"by the way, you here? where is Ri?" I asked trying to find Rithik.

"we came for Dinner as its been long since we came out. Rithik is inside paying the cheque. And this sir was adamant in going out" as she pointed towards Adhi who was playing with my hair.

"aww baby" I adored him kissing his chubby cheeks.

Over the years Diya and me bonded well together, I felt peace when I found a best friend in her other than Nithisha. We both have hanged out, discussed secrets and another member joined us -Nithisha.

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