▪︎Caring Singh Oberoi▪︎

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How can this man change in days? He was the same insensitive and broken Shivaay for 3 years but suddenly he becomes all caring and lovely, I feel very alienated to see him. That phase isn't Shivaay of course, he seems to change drastically. The moment he entered the wedding with a shout and smirk playing on his lips, my breath hitched.

That smirk wasn't the usual one. It really had an alternative meaning to it and as expected he turns my whole plan upside down, just in a minute. Only this man has the ability to pull out such stunts. The moment he told we weren't divorced and he was not going to sign the papers, everything stated falling my acting, facade and my tears.

This wasn't what I wanted, I didn't want him to break down and destroy himself later. He wasn't even trying to understand the fact that he needs to move on and start a life. His adamant attitude led him to pick me up in shoulders. Really? Why is this man so adamant? Infect he literally scared Sid; I can see the fear he had in his eyes while Shivaay was just into his action.

Nithu!!from when did this girl started supporting Shivaay? I thought she would be happy learning that I am going to marry Sid, but then she started shouting at me for taking a haste decision. What I heard from her mouth for Shivaay led me open my mouth in shock.

"Jiju" when did this happen. Shivaay also seemed to be fine with it, in face he was smiling at Nithu. God! What is happening??

I really felt bad for Bhai, he was trying to protect me and I was lying and hiding the most important state of my life. He is fighting with his best friend only because of me and I really felt very guilty. I really didn't want to break their friendship, never knew this would end up like this.

Shivaay was his best friend from before I was born too. Just because of me they taught terribly, last time I controlled him and asked him only to behave as a friend of Shivaay. This time it wasn't in my hands.

"Nikki" he just yelled that name and my body automatically stiffened. His confession played in loop in front of my eyes, tears started flowing.

I know I am hurting him deeply but this is the only we he would be happy.
I was numb to react or sense anything. The route which Shivaay took wasn't leading to Oberoi Mansion and that's is where I came out of my world. His strong grip on the steering confirmed the anger and hurt he held not to forget he wasn't answering my questions.

My heart crumbled terribly looking at him in tears. Is this what I want? Was it really important? How can I be so insensitive? I thought he would eventually forget me but little did I know he would break till this end. The moment he uttered that he knew everything about my disease and my plan.

I felt my ground slipping away. How did he even know? Only Sid knew, did he by any chance tell? No..no that isn't possible. Both hate each other and will never come face to face especially Shivaay.

The way his rough hands held my face in a tight hold showed his anger, possessiveness, hurt and possession. I never knew he could love me till this extent. Thought that I was just his habit that he named as love and will forget.

Revealing that I remember everything regarding his confession left him in shock. I chucked internally looking at his face. Monkey! Shivaay calls Sid as monkey!! Poor boy got his bad name just because of my stubborn decision. At the last moment also, he was trying to change my decision. Will I listen? NO. Then later I told about the fake wedding and he looked shocked at me, he was fuming when I told I revealed my disease to monkey I mean Sid! Possessive Singh Oberoi!

Treatment! No..no I dont want to do it. The hospital bed, injections and tasteless life. I hate it. I know being a doctor I shouldn't tell all those but I dont have any other go. This will kill half of my life and what if it's the end, I didn't even live my life properly. When Shivaay heard my reason, he was behaving like a strict father who orders his daughter to do something for her good. He looked cute actually.

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