▪︎Anika or Diya▪︎

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Standing near the cliff this is where I lastly met Diya before her disappearance. Now I'm standing here for taking the most important decision of my life. ANIKA OR DIYA
Today is the day where all mess will be cleared and I can live happily. I'm tired if it now, i want the one who will be mine forever.

"Shivaay!" Diya called me out coming to my side.

"Diya" I whispered looking at her.

"Shivaay think once before taking any decision "she told in fear looking at me.

"I have thought more than needed Diya" I told turning my gaze from her.

"So, you are going to leave Anika?" She asked looking at the view in front

"Yes!" I told closing my eyes were tears running down my cheeks. She seemed to be shocked

"but she." she started but I cut her in between

"yes, I would have left her if she was demanding, arrogant, interfering like a typical wife, who demands her rights from me and does her own big drama knowing about her husband's love for another women. But she is nothing like that, to tell the truth she is the best. She never expected anything from me not even her wife rights but gave her everything in order to keep my family happy. Never interfered in anything left me to live my life as I want but secretly cared for me at every stage of my life. When my family needed me the most, I left them but she stood like a pillar and supported them.

Even after knowing I can never be hers, she never stopped loving me. Can you imagine she loved for almost 10 years? She took care of my family as hers and for one promise made to my mom, she sacrificed her whole life knowing I can never accept her. And even she coped up with my ignorance and arrogance now also I feel like I was behaving like a TV show monster husband to her. At last how do you think I would leave her? I can't even think about her going far away from me. No..no I can't leave her" I chocked at the end as tears where flowing like a river. My knees gave up and I sat down crying.

She sat down to my level and held my shoulders, looking directly into my eyes

"Do you like her?" She asked anticipation clearly in her face.

"No. I don't like her" after a long pause

I shouted "I love her. I really love her; I can't think a life without her. I will die if she isn't with me" and she seemed to be happy more than happy relaxed.

Suddenly she hugged me "I'm so happy for you Shivaay! My guilt will come down that you found your love your real love like me" she told breaking the hug.

"Maybe we weren't mint to be "I told looking down and she lifted my chin and I can see her eyes twinkling

"listen carefully, dare you hurt Anika I will chop you into two oks? She is 1 in million don't you dare miss her and cry. Who will love you for ten years knowing you won't be hers? If you miss her you are failure" she told looking at me, I can clearly see her anger and rage.

"and about us you are right we weren't meant to be. I got my husband instead and you know I love him" her eyes brightened each time she speaks about her husband. The proof that she is happily married.

"Rithik knows about us?" I asked her as my curiosity was killing me

"of course, he knows, about you about us. As Anika gave you space and supported me, he did it to. I fell for him long back but you did too for Anika, realized now. Such a tube light!" She told chuckling and even I laughed.

"You told her?" She asked looking at me.

"No, I didn't "i told looking down.

"for which auspicious time are you waiting Mr. Oberoi?" She told frowning.

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