▪︎ Anika is strong ▪︎

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" It's better we opt for bone marrow" told Lyza getting towards the bed.

"What?" Shivaay asked meekly, it was enough for me to know his state. Immediately I held his hand in a tight grip. I knew it will break him very much. It's okay if something happens to me but will never let anything happen to Shivaay.

"Shivaay" I whispered still holding his palm tightly.

"Shivaay I highly recommend you to for the surgery. By this her sufferings will finish and she will come out fit and fine. The more time you take for a decision, it will kill her slowly. We would require a donor, once you finalize the decision i will apply for the donor." she completes throwing bomb on Shivaay. His tears were already spilling and it increased this time.

"She will be fine after the surgery, right?" Shivaay asked her with fear playing in his eyes clearly.

" That is the other problem. We will know only after the surgery, is her body accepting the changes or not. If it does, she will be perfectly fit, in the other case. I'm sorry" she told throwing him off guard. I knew this would come up some day, that my survival chances would be 50-50.

The other instance which I knew was Shivaay breaking down badly but looking at him she could sense him holding on not to break in front of her.

"Okay! " he whispered getting of the hold from my hand walking out.

"Anika! Please decide about the surgery and let me know. I also need to apply for the donor." Lyza told looking at me. Nodding I made my way out to see a Shivaay standing in front of the God's idol.

"Shivaay?" I called him; in an instant he wiped his tears.

"Let's go!" He told holding my hand. Inside the car I was trying hard to talk to him about the surgery but he at times changed the topic wontedly or gives an excuse to call someone.

Some day or the other he needs to face the truth but he isn't even ready to talk about it. Now how will I spill his feelings out, I know he breaks each time Lyza's visits us. He has to let his feelings out to someone if not me too.

"Ani" Nithisha who was standing in the hall screamed looking at me entering the living area. Instantly she hugged me tight and some where I relaxed in her warmth.

"You are fine right?" she asked sensing my tight hold on her figure.

"Yes" I whispered controlling my tears, I knew she sensed by situation.

"Okay then, come I have a lot to tell you" she chirped holding my hand,

"But Shivaay?" i was hesitant to leave him alone

"Not a problem Anika, go!" he smiled, it is obvious he isn't fine.

"What happened?" Nithisha asked holding my shoulders once we entered my room. Now i can't hold on for me, i stuffed everything inside not more now. Each time I see Shivaay in tears everything breaks inside me, the cries and his sobbing i hear every time in the washroom when he used to shower haunts as nightmares.

The way he broke everything and he confessing it to Bhai days back killed me. This is not what I want, I wished him to be happy in his life. He deserves happiness but I can't give him the same, this thought suffocates me.

Falling on my knees I burst out crying terribly in Nithisha's arms, she was first shocked seeing me in this state, later soothed my rubbing my back.

"Shhh's ani what's wrong?" she asked repeatedly and I was too indulged in crying that I wasn't able to reply her. Sobbing vigorously, I try telling her in breaks.

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