Chapter 3

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"I mustn't tell anyone. I mustn't tell anyone." Izuku mumbled as he walk back to his dorm. He passed a few of his classmates who looked at him weird, but thought nothing of it.

Izuku stopped in the hallway. 'I'm dangerous now.' He frowned at the floor. 'I need to take more precautions, so I don't hurt anyone else.'

A few hours later...

'Annnnnndddddd... done!' Izuku stepped back to admire his work. He had added several new locks to the door to keep him in at night. 'That should do it!' He smiled proudly.

Izuku stretched and went outside for a walk in the forest. The sound of life engulfed him. No one really went into the forest anymore. Too scared that they might find something undesirable.

Izuku, suddenly tired from lack of sleep, sat down next to a tree, and fell asleep. He had no dreams, not even the nightmare that terrified him before.

When he opened his eyes again, the sun was setting. He smiled at the pretty sunset, but his smile was cut short by a sudden burn in his throat. His eyes turned red with hunger.

(Warning: mild gore)

He heard an animal nearby. A few mice, among the roots of the tree he sat by. Turning his head slowly, he spotted the gray rodents. Consumed with hunger, he grabbed them as fast as lightning, snapping their necks in the process. He smelled their blood. Not as sweet as Uraraka's, but still enticing.

He dug his fangs into the soft flesh of the mice. Blood filled his mouth.

"Ah..." He sighed as the burning ceased. His face looked like a murder scene. He had been smart though. After setting down the corpses, Izuku pulled a few wipes out of his pocket. He cleaned his face, and hid the mice so that no one would ever see. Then he went back to U.A., all the way hoping nobody would find out his secret. And praying that Uraraka would never tell.

Time skip 2 days~

Uraraka hadn't told anyone. She tried to act normal around Izuku, but he could tell she was uncomfortable.

They had told everyone who asked, that Uraraka had cut herself while preparing food. A believable story.

It had been three days since Izuku had been attacked. He kept several bags of animal blood in his mini fridge. The locks worked perfectly, although he still had to practice self-control so he could be around humans more.

Then Isuku found out about blood banks. Places where blood was stored, human blood. Just thinking about it made his mouth water.

Since he was only drinking animal blood, he got thirsty more often. Human blood was more filling. He would sometimes have to hide blood in juice boxes that he could take to lunch. Uraraka noticed. She seemed a little nervous whenever he was drinking.

Unfortunately, his eyes turned red whenever he was thirsty, so he had to keep it under control. His fangs would show when he smiled, so he tended to smile with his mouth closed. He also didn't open his mouth too wide when he spoke.

There was a curfew of 11 o'clock. Everyone was expected to bed in their dorms by that time. Even though villains weren't around, it was good to have a sleep schedule.

Izuku planned to leave 40 minutes after curfew, to make sure no one would be awake. He would have to be fast, otherwise he would go crazy.

After long hours of the night, he was finally ready.

He stepped out into the empty hallway and started toward the door.

Then he heard the sound of footsteps behind him, and quickly turned around.

It was Kirishima. The redhead was following him.

"Hey!" He said in a loud whisper. "What are you doing out here? It's past curfew." He caught up to Izuku.

"I'm just going to get some air." Izuku assured him. He didn't look convinced.

"Really? 'Cus it doesn't look like it." He replied, raising his eyebrow. "Tell me what you're really doing, Midoriya."

"I just told you, I going out for some air." Izuku repeated. Kirishima slid in front of the door with his arms out. He gave Izuku a serious look.

"I can't let you leave." He said firmly. Izuku sighed and pushed him out of the way with strength he didn't know he had, and opened the door. Kirishima followed him. "Stop! Where are you going, Midoriya?"

Izuku didn't reply. He checked his watch. It was 11:45. If he couldn't shake off Kirishima, he might just have to go back and try again tomorrow.

"Midoriya!" Kirishima stepped in front of Izuku.

"Please move." Izuku whispered. Kirishima shook his head.

"I'm not moving until you tell me where you're going." He wasn't going to give up so easily. They stood there staring at each other for awhile. A look of defiance on Kirishima's face. Izuku sighed and turned toward the forest.

"Wait!" Kirishima cried, running after Izuku. 11:50. If he went fast enough, he could probably still make it.

They stepped through the trees and walked silently.

"Why won't you talk to me?" Kirishima whispered. He looked at Izuku's face. 11:54. Izuku starts muttering to himself.

"He can't find out. He can't find out."

"Find out about what?" Kirishima looks confused. "Where are you going?" He repeats.

"Almost there. Almost there." Izuku mutters. "He can't find out."

Kirishima stops but Izuku keeps walking a few more steps. 11:58. Tik tok tik tok tik tok.

Izuku stands still suddenly.

"Hey man, are you ok?" Kirishima asks quietly.

Midnight. Midnight. Midnight.

Izuku shudders violently. 'No, he can't find out!' The hunger slowly seeping in. His eyes begin turning red.

Izuku turned around fast, barring his fangs. He was no longer himself, he truly was a monster.

"You should have just let me go, Kirishima!" He hissed.

Izuku ran toward him.


Sorry for the cliffhanger. My original plan was to have Bakugou be bitten instead of Ochaco, and Uraraka with Izuku instead of Kirishima. Thank goodness I changed it though. If Bakugou would have been bitten by Izuku, he would have had to be nice enough to actually come over. I don't want to change his personality and I definitely don't want bakudeku.

There are no gay ships in this story! I'll be waiting for the hate in the comments. Sorry for disappointing.

I hope you all have a lovely day!💛

Crimson Secret (Vampire Deku AU) ~ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now