Chapter 18

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Kirishima stood alone in the bathroom, staring at his reflection in the dirty, cracked mirror. He had woken up long before Midoriya. The green-haired boy didn't have a scratch on him. Vampires must be able to heal injuries.

(A/N- Only minor injuries heal fast. It takes a lot longer to heal injures like the one Toga received. If they're not dead by then, vampires can receive a scar despite their better healing abilities. When they're changed, they get a scar from that (basically if bitten by a vampire will leave a scar). Deku actually has two scars from getting changed and biting himself (yay Deku!). Anyway, thought I'd point that out before people get confused. #biggestexplainationever *pats self on back*)

Kirishima inspected his eyes. He pushed back his lips and examined his teeth. No difference. No change. He wasn't a vampire. He breathed a sigh of relief.

Walking out of the bathroom, he wondered how vampires ever came to be. What a silly thought. Obviously All for One caught the first one before anyone even noticed. He felt a lot better that All for One wasn't around to terrorize anyone anymore.

He found Bakugou along with the others in the main room. Uraraka sat next to Midoriya, holding his hand in a comforting way, although he didn't seem to notice. Bakugou stood nearby looking at them in disgust.

"We need to talk." Todoroki said, looking up at Kirishima. He sat down and Kirishima mirrored his position in the seat across from Todoroki.

"Talk about what?" Kirishima asked. Bakugou snorted.

"That girl you were so eager to help was Toga, and she escaped." Bakugou answered like it was common knowledge. Kirishima looked down at his bandaged hand. He didn't remember much of anything after the girl bit him.

"Also there's that vampire that Midoriya saw." Todoroki added, sneaking a glance at him as he spoke. Uraraka looked up.

"We haven't been in school for over 24 hours now." She said quietly. "I'm sure everyone is looking for us." Todoroki nodded in agreement.

"That means we need a plan of action moving forward." He clasped his hands together. "We can't just run around like crazy, or we're bound to be caught." Todoroki looked around at everyone expectantly. Midoriya was the first to speak up.

"We'll have to leave this place as soon as possible." He said. His chin resting in his free hand. "Going back to our parents' houses or school is out of the question." He looked up, finally aknowleging everyone's presence.

"Especially when I'm with you all." They all thought for a moment, taking in his words.

"We could go find another villain hideout to stay in." Uraraka spoke up but was quickly shot down by Izuku.

"No." He whispered. "If the heroes were involved, which I'm sure they are, it'd be easy to track us." Kirishima let out a dry laugh, earning some confused looks.

"The way you're talking makes it sound like hiding in the woods is our best bet." He joked, trying to break the tension.

"I mean it could give us some sort of cover." Todoroki muttered. Kirishima turned to him in shock.

"You can't actually be considering it!" Kirishima obviously had only meant it as a joke. "We can't keep running away from this! Soon they'll catch us and we'll have to turn ourselves in!"

"And if we do, they could kill Deku just for existing!" Uraraka snapped. Bakugou scoffed and walked away. Feeling the sudden hostility, Midoriya got up and walked to the entrance.

It was raining outside. The pitter-patter of raindrops and cool breeze blowing through the hall had a clean feel to it. When he opened the door, the smell of rain surrounded him. He sat down on the cracked cement steps. Rain was always calming to him.

Crimson Secret (Vampire Deku AU) ~ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now