Chapter 17

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Screams. Surely everyone would have heard. A girl skipped down the hall. She was covered in blood.

"Izu~" She called in a sweet voice. Screams covered the sounds she made.

Something wet fell to the floor behind her. It was followed by another splash. The girl looked like a candle stick. She was melting.

Then it revealed her true identity. The mask was taken off.

Midoriya POV

The moment I heard the screams I knew who it was. How had I been so stupid? We were in danger now.

I pushed Uraraka into a locker gently with one hand pressed against her chest. She looked confused but seemed to feel the gravity of the situation.

Toga. I mouthed. Stay here. All the blood drained from her face. She gave me a slight nod. I shut the rusting door a little, but not all the way.

I could barely hear footsteps approaching. "Izu~" Toga was coming fast.

In a desperate attempt to lead her astray, I threw the bandage into the far corner of the room. All my senses came back to me at once.

Toga was wearing something drenched in blood. I panicked and hid behind a cracked cement pillar. I took short, shallow breaths.

"Izu~" Toga said again. She stepped into the room. I could hear Uraraka's breathing stop. My own breath caught in my throat. The scent of blood was so much stronger now.

"I know you're here Izu!" She laughed. This situation reminded me of two weeks ago. The memories made me shiver.

I risked a peek at her. Toga was inspecting the bandage. My eyes moved to the door. When I looked back, Toga was gone. I searched the area for her.

I felt a warm breath on the back of my neck. Toga slowly wrapped her arms around me. The smell of blood seemed to cascade over me.

"You gotta stop letting your guard down, Izu." She whispered in my ear, stressing my name. "I finally found you." She giggled.

It was taking everything in me to not lose it. The smell of blood was so strong.

"It wasn't very hard though." Toga continued. She turned to the front of me.

I stared into her deep, golden eyes. She traced my jaw with the lightest of touches. Leaning in, She inhaled deeply.

"I can smell your scent from a mile away." Toga smiled. She stared into my eyes. It was almost hypnotizing the way she looked at me.

A scream broke the spell. Toga turned to the door and everything rushed back to me. I knew what to do now.

Todoroki ran into the doorway. He stared at Toga in shock. Uraraka carefully pushed open the door of the locker behind us. A flash of silver flew through the air.

"Toga," I said, pulling her chin in my direction. Her eyes were wide in panic. I looked at her face, softening my expression. The corner of my lips turned up in a smile.

Then without another second of thought, I pressed my lips against hers. Her mouth opened slightly, embracing the kiss. With one hand, I stroked her cheek. The other held a cold object.

We broke apart from the kiss. Toga searched my eyes for a reason. I gave her another smile. Switching hands, I grabbed her waist and pulled her body to mine.

Our lips met once more, her mouth open to mine. Without hesitation, I pulled my other arm around and thrust a knife into her back.

Toga's eyes went wide. She clawed at me, desperate to get away. I pushed the knife further into her. She choked and blood filled my mouth. Her blood.

I released her. She fell to the floor with a thud. The blood in my mouth was sweet, unlike any other I'd tasted before. I sighed in satisfaction as it slid down my throat.

Toga coughed and choked on her blood, pouring out of her mouth. The scent of blood filled the room. I closed my eyes, breathing in the sweet aroma.

When she finally got a breath, Toga looked up at me with betrayal in her amber eyes. "W-why?" She asked with difficultly. I opened my eyes.

I laughed and looked down at her. "Honestly, it's because I love you." I answered, kneeling at her side. I could feel all control ebbing away. I stroked her cheek as she coughed up more blood. "I'll protect you." I whispered.

My finger dragged through the puddle of Toga's blood that she lay in. I licked it off, savoring the taste. I sighed once more.

Toga reached up to the knife buried in her back. I watched her curiously. She grunted as she pulled it out. She held it out in front of her.

Toga looked up at me as I removed it from her hand. She coughed again and reached into her pocket, shakily pulling out a vial filled with blood. Ochaco's blood. I watched her, hypnotized by her movements.

She pulled out the cork and lifted it above her mouth. The blood slowly drained from the vial. She smiled and closed her eyes, dropping the glass vial.

"You shouldn't have let me do that." She giggled. The pool that surrounded her began to recede back into her body.

"Midoriya!" Todoroki yelled. I turned to him. He thrust out right hand and ice shards flung toward Toga.

Someone touched me on the shoulders. I suddenly felt weightless. The whole world floated away from me.

I looked down to see Toga get hit with the ice. She recovered quickly. Toga looked up and blew a kiss at me before running away. Gravity returned and I fell back to earth.

Todoroki started after her, but Midoriya stopped him.

"We have other problems." He said breathlessly. His crimson eyes making him sound less sincere. He pointed to the door as Bakugou ran in.

All the blood was drained from his face and he looked scared. "Its Kirishima." He said before running back the way he came.

They followed him to where Kirishima lay, covered in sweat and breathing heavily. He was clutching his arm, his eyelids fluttered.

Midoriya kneeled next to him and gently picked up his injured arm. Kirishima winced.

"That girl got to him." Bakugou whispered. "She bit him." Izuku nodded, understandingly.

"Then he must be turning."

The bite itself looked normal, but the veins around it had turned dark. Kirishima's eyes opened wide as he let out an ear-splitting scream. He eyes were pure black.

"How long has he been like this?" Izuku asked quickly.

"I don't know, maybe an hour?" Bakugou answered.

"I gotta hurry then."

Midoriya looked down at Kirishima. Sorry. He mouthed, even though Kirishima didn't see.

Izuku opened his mouth wide and slid his fangs into Kirishima's soft flesh. He screamed, louder this time, and thrashed around, trying to break free of Midoriya's grip.

Todoroki and Uraraka held him down as Bakugou stared at them frozen in fear. The dark blood disappeared from Kirishima's skin.

Izuku's crimson eyes became hungry again. He held onto Kirishima tighter and started to drain him.

"Deku stop! You're killing him!" Uraraka yelled. Bakugou grabbed a broken board and smacked Midoriya in the back of the head.

He fell to the floor silently. Kirishima's breathing began to even out, his eyes returning to their normal color. His eyelids closed.

Bakugou scoffed. "You'd think one person's blood would be enough."


This is probably the longest chapter I've written so far.

Now you all know that Toga can't be killed off easily and Deku can be super savage.

Anyway I hope you all enjoyed this! Have a wonderful day (or night) everyone!

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