Chapter 8

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A day later...

Uraraka still hasn't spoken to me since then. I can understand why.

I had been so sure that I was doing the right thing...

No one looked at me the same after that day. Even Katsuki didn't speak to me. Everyone avoided me. No one saw the bite on my neck though, or if they did, they pretended not to notice.

Midoriya appeared in the newspaper as a new villain that was caught, although they didn't say it was him.

They had searched Midoriya's room the day of the interrogation. All they could find was a few bags of blood, animal blood. His room was locked after the search.

He might not be coming back to U.A.... If he ever came back...

What had started this mess? He hadn't been like this forever...

Izuku woke up to darkness.

Everything was hasty from the previous night. But he realized he had told the man everything.

Izuku began to panic. He ran his hands through his hair.

"They knew. They knew."

Not if they weren't around.

What?! Are you saying I should kill them?!

After what they did to you? No one would miss them. They forced all your secrets out of you!

No... I can't kill anyone!

Sure you can. You just need a little push...

The voice disappeared. Izuku stood up slowly, processing what the voice had said.

He was hit suddenly with memories.

Izuku as a child, crying from when Kacchan bullied him and his friends. His mother telling him she was sorry he didn't have a quirk. Kacchan telling him to kill himself. All Might saying he couldn't become a hero.

They all hate you...

His friends turning their backs on him. Class 1-A laughing at him. Kacchan saying he's a failure. Inko saying she hates him. Uraraka screaming at him, calling him a monster.

They all want you dead...

Izuku fell onto his hands and knees. Tears falling down his face.

No... Those aren't real...

No one cares about you...

Izuku sat on his knees, his eyes squeezed shut. He clutched his hair.

Stop! They're not real!

You're all alone...

That's not true! No!

You're just a quirkless monster!


I made you who you are... Show me some respect!

Izuku stopped struggling. His eyes went blank. The cell door unlocked, opening with a creak.

Izuku looked at the woman who opened it. The blonde looked at him longingly. He stood up.

"Follow me..." She said, flashing her fangs.

She walked out of the hallway with a Izuku close behind her. The woman stopped at a large window. She opened it carefully, before sliding out soundlessly.

"Let's go my lovely." She whispered to him. They both ran into the darkness, the facility getting farther and farther away from them.

The next morning

Uraraka's POV

Whispers filled the dining hall.

Nothing was the same ever since Deku was taken. Word spread like wildfire, the whole school knew his secret.

Something was different today though... All the students held a newspaper.

I went over to Iida, only to find him reading the news as well. I sat down across from him.

"Have you read today's paper yet?" Iida asked, not looking up. I leaned forward.

"No, what about it?" Iida looked at me. A strange look was on his face. He folded up the newspaper.

"It's about Midoriya... You better see you yourself..." He replied, sliding the paper towards me. I read it slowly.

The headlines said, 'Villain escaped in the night!'.

"Oh no..." Dread spread through my body. "This can't be good."


Sorry for the short chapter. This kinda sucks but whatever.

Have a great day everyone!

Crimson Secret (Vampire Deku AU) ~ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now