Chapter 5

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Kirishima's POV

Uraraka shouldn't get punished, I didn't tell them that she was involved. I can't explain why I turned him in. He even begged me not to tell. Midoriya had just broken so many rules, and how he planned to rob a blood bank. People need that blood!

It's dangerous having a vampire running around the city, attacking people.


I guess that's why...

He's dangerous...

Kirishima carried Izuku back to U.A., wondering what might happen to him...

All he knew was that he was doing the right thing...

Izuku's POV

'He got me. He got me. They'll find out. They'll find out.'

My mind replayed what had just happened over and over again.

I lost control again.

How had Kirishima gotten to me the first time?

Thank goodness he was still alive. I would've drained him if he hadn't stopped me.

Burning. Burning. Burning.

What's that smell?

Izuku opened his eyes slowly. Groaning from when Kirishima hit him.

A bright light was focused on his face, and an empty chair was in front of him. To the left, a large mirror was covering half the wall.

Izuku was tied to another chair that was bolted to the floor. He was also wearing a straight jacket, that kept his arms crossed and trapped. He looked pitiful in his reflection.


A tall man came forward, out of the darkness. The chair squeaked as he sat in it.

"W-who are you? W-where am I?" Izuku stuttered, squinting at the man's face.

The man leaned forward. He had several white scars on his face, which stood out against his dark skin.

"My name does not concern you," He said in a deep voice. "Nor does this location." Izuku swallowed hard. Of course he was intimidated.

"Here's how this is going to go," The man clasped his hands together. "I'm going to ask the questions, and you're going to answer them directly. No short cuts or you'll regret it."

Izuku nodded but kept quiet. 'What was he going to ask?'

"First question, what's your name?"

"Izuku. Izuku Midoriya. But my friends call me Deku." He answered quickly.

"That's an odd nickname." He raised his eyebrow. "And how old are you, Deku?"

"16." He replied quietly.

"Are you or are you not a vampire?"

"No." Sweat broke out on his neck. Surely he'd catch the lie.

The man squinted at Izuku. "Are you lying to me?"

"No." He avoided the mans eyes.

The man chuckled. Izuku looked confused.

He turned around and said something to a guard hiding in the shadows.

"Bring it in." Normal humans wouldn't have heard it, but he knew he wasn't normal.

The man turned back to Izuku. "You know, there's only one way you can tell if someone is a vampire." He looked up. Izuku followed his gaze. He smelled something familiar.

Something came out from the ceiling. "Not many can resist."

It was a bag of blood. Human blood. Dangling from a string. And underneath it, was a metal plate with scissors.

The man stood up and grabbed the scissors. He stared Izuku right in the eye. "And that's human blood." He cut off a corner.

Immediately, the scent of blood filled the room. The burning came back, stronger than ever. Izuku cried out in pain.

His eyes turned red with hunger.

He hissed, barring his fangs. Izuku struggled to break free of the jacket and chair.

The man smirked. A tranquilizer dart shot out from the darkness, and hit Izuku's neck.

Izuku's vision faded into darkness.

The man turned toward the mirror. "And that is how you catch a vampire." He announced. Turning toward the guard in the shadows. "Take him away."

The man walked away, as two other men ran in. One was carrying something.

The day before...

"Hey, Kirishima? Do you know where Deku is?" Uraraka asked. Kirishima shook his head.

"Maybe he's sick today." But Kirishima knew he was definitely not sick. Uraraka didn't seem to believe that either.

"Class has begun. Everyone be quiet." Aizawa announced. Class 1-A went silent.

"Tomorrow we're going on a field trip to a holding facility." Iida raised his hand. Aizawa ignored it. "For what, you may ask." Iida's hand went down. "A villain was caught last night."

The class collectively gasped, accept for a few students. Kirishima had a feeling that he knew who it was.

"I'm sure your all wondering if the League of Villains is back, and that is not the case this time." Aizawa assured them all. "We will be going to the place where they take all the villains we capture, and witness the interrogation."

Time skip early morning of the interrogation...

Midoriya obviously wasn't present that day, Uraraka looked worried.

'What could've happened to him?' She wondered. 'Maybe-'

Her thought was cut short by the sound of Bakugou yelling at the back of the bus.

Kaminari had asked Sero if he knew where Midoriya was, and Bakugou overheard.

"WHY DO YOU CARE ABOUT THAT DAMN NERD SO MUCH?!" Bakugou's face was twisted with anger. His two friends stared at him blankly.

"It's just an honest question, Bakugou." Sero answered.

"Yeah, I was just curious." Kaminari agreed. "No need to get so angry about it." He smirked at Bakugou. "People actually like Midoriya, unlike you."

"YOU SHUT UP, DUNCE FACE!" Bakugou yelled at him.

The bus stopped.

"Will you three be quiet?!" Iida scolded, standing up. He waved his arms wildly. "We're here!"

"Keep your damn mouth shut, four eyes!!" Bakugou shouted as he walked out, the other students followed. Soon Kirishima and Uraraka were the only ones left in the bus.

"So you know?"

Uraraka's face turned red. "What do you mean?!" She replied quickly. Kirishima got real close.

"Midoriya's secret." He whispered in her ear. She had a solemn look on her face. Uraraka nodded slowly.

"You know where he is?" She whispered back.

Kirishima nodded. "I think so."

"Come on, let's go! Or you'll get left behind!" Aizawa called into the bus. Kirishima and Uraraka ran out, onto the sidewalk.

All the students looked up at the tall building in front of them. A sign hung above the double doors: 'Villain holding facility'

Kirishima took a deep breath and stepped towards the building. One question rang in his mind...

'Was Midoriya there?'


A bit longer then last chapter, but still ending on a cliffhanger. Are you all enjoying this so far? Also, happy birthday Deku!💚

Crimson Secret (Vampire Deku AU) ~ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now