Chapter 11

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It was night once again. Definitely past curfew.

The light from Uraraka's phone pierced the darkness. She'd been walking for a long time now. A soft rustling alerted her. She turned around quickly to see a familiar face.

"D-deku?!" She stuttered. Her light shined on him. His shirt was soaked in blood. He stared at Uraraka blankly. Blood was splattered on his face.

Her eyes welled with tears of relief. She threw herself into Midoriya's arms and buried her face in his chest.

"I can't believe I finally found you! I knew it wasn't you!" Tears flowed down my face, making his shirt even more wet than it already was. "You would never do something like that!"

I felt his arms wrap around me. I smiled and pulled back to look at his face.

A pair of blank eyes stared back at me. I frowned in concern.

"Deku? What's wrong?"

'URARAKA RUN! IT'S A TRAP!' I screamed.

She can't hear you. It's already too late... -laughter-

'No! You can't do this!'


I reached out slowly to touch his face. His hand caught me by the wrist. His grip tightened.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" I struggled in vain. "Let go of me!"

I looked up at Deku only to see blood red eyes staring back at me. I gasped in horror as realization hit.

"No! Wait!" I pleaded. An evil smile spread across his face slowly.

"Your time is up, Uraraka." In one swift movement, Deku pulled a cloth from his pocket and pressed it to my face.

Uraraka struggled, but Midoriya kept the cloth firmly over her nose and mouth. She was clearly holding her breath, but Izuku was patient.

At last she inhaled. Her eyes became unclear, her movements slowed.

Uraraka made one last feeble attempt to break free, before falling into Midoriya's arms.

Kirishima lay on his bed, awake. His conversation with Uraraka played in his head over and over again. As far as he knew, she still hadn't returned.

'Where could she be?'

It seemed his question was answered when his phone lit up. A text message....only it wasn't.....

Kirishima's eyes widened as he saw what Uraraka had sent him.

A location.

'Oh no...'

Kirishima got up quickly. He ran out into the hall, wondering what he should do.

One person rang in his mind.

Kirishima took a few deep breaths before knocking on their door.

The door shut quietly.

"Oh? Back so soon?" Toga came rushing over to Midoriya. She smiled. "I see you got her." She looked at Uraraka pitifully.

"Yes, this will be perfect." She looked up at Midoriya with adoration in her eyes. She smiled, exposing her fangs.

Midoriya set Uraraka in a chair and began tying her up. Toga sat close to Izuku, watching him work.

"You certainly made a mess with those people earlier today." She said, cocking her head. "We'll have to work on that, Izu."

He continued to tie up Uraraka in silence. Toga frowned.

"I do wish you would talk to me." She snapped her fingers.

Izuku stopped.

"I'm sorry about that, darling." He replied. She smiled wide.

'No! Stop! That's not me!' Izuku struggled to regain control of his mind.

There's nothing you can do. Just give up.

There was something Izuku wouldn't ever do.



Who do you think Kirishima went to?

As surprising as it seems, I actually didn't intend for this story to go on this long.😅

I hope you all enjoyed this short chapter. Have a lovely day everyone!💛

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