Chapter 12

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Uraraka's POV


'Why am I here?'

UA appeared. I was in my room.

Running through the halls.


Deku's dorm. Opening the door slowly.

There he was.....dead.......on the floor....

Screams. Tears.


Your fault. It's all your fault.

'I'm sorry Deku....'

Uraraka's eyes fluttered open. She was tied to a chair. Midoriya sat next to her quietly.

"Deku..." She whispered. Midoriya shushed her, pressing one finger to her lips. He leaned toward her slowly.

"I'm sorry Uraraka." He whispered in her ear. Uraraka's eyes widened. She looked at him confused and scared.

Midoriya stood up and looked at her pitifully, before walking into the darkness. Another girl stepped toward her slowly. Uraraka's gaze hardened.

"What did you do to him?!" She yelled. The girl laughed, exposing her fangs.

Uraraka's vision tunneled onto the girl. She knew something bad was going to happen.

"Nice to meet you too, I guess. I'm Toga by the way." She smiled, putting her hands up to her face like a fan. "I'm assuming you think you know what's about to happen." Toga took two steps in her direction. She giggled.

Uraraka struggled, unable to touch anything. Soon Toga was in front of Uraraka, towering over her.

"I would do it myself, but that wouldn't be very much fun." Toga frowned at Uraraka. Midoriya was standing next to her.

'When did he get there?' Toga took a step back so he could reach Uraraka. He leaned toward her quietly.

"Deku, you don't-" Midoriya shushed her again. He looked into her brown eyes. His own were still emerald green.

"It'll all be over soon, I promise." He whispered, sending shivers down her spine.

"Wait! Stop!" She screamed.

Midoriya's POV

I can't. I can't. I can't.

You can and you will.

No! Never.

Midoriya hesitated inches from her throat.

"What was that?" He whispered.

Suddenly, the door exploded. Smoke filled the entrance. Midoriya stood up, a malicious smile on his face. Two figures moved through the smoke.

Kirishima tackled Midoriya, careful to avoid his mouth. The other figure jumped out of the smoke aiming for Toga.

"GO TO HELL!!" Of course it was Bakugou. And so the fight began.

The room filled with explosions and yelling. With them distracted, Uraraka might be able to free herself.

Some time before...

This was urgent. He had to hurry.

Kirishima wondered if Bakugou would even be awake. If he was still asleep, Kirishima would try Todoroki instead.

The door swung open. Bakugou was standing in the doorway, his face twisted with anger.

"What do you want, dumb hair?!" He yelled, as quietly as possible.

Without explaining, Kirishima took Bakugou by the arm and dragged him to the door.

"Hey! What's the big idea?! I've been kidnapped once, I'm not about to let happen again!" Bakugou twisted his arm out of Karishma's grip. They stared at each other for a few seconds before Kirishima spoke.

"Uraraka is in trouble, and she may have found Midoriya." Kirishima said quickly. "If we don't hurry she might get hurt! You've got to help me...please..." Bakugou thought for a moment.

"All right." He agreed with a growl. "But you better not get that Icyhot bastard into this mess." He walked out of the school, with Kirishima trailing behind. "Since Deku is a monster, be careful not to touch his face."

Bakugou stopped and let Kirishima lead.

"So, what's your plan?"


Uraraka was just getting past the first knot, when a wall of ice appeared in front of her.

"Damn it!" Bakugou yelled on the other side of the ice. "Half and half followed us!"

As if responding to the dumb nickname, Todoroki ran over to Uraraka and began to untie her.


Midoriya managed to push off Kirishima. They stood facing each other. His eyes were still green.

"Midoriya!" Kirishima spoke first. "Stop this! Come with us!" Midoriya laughed.

"Try all you want." He replied with a creepy smile. "Nothing is going to stop this."

Kirishima stared at him, shocked. Midoriya lunged for him, when a wall of ice separated them. A loud thud sounded from where Izuku was.

"Todoroki must've heard us leave." Kirishima whispered to himself. Bakugou was yelling and the girl seemed to have ran away when the ice wall appeared.

Kirishima walked to the ice. 'Now, there's just Midoriya.' He climbed the wall quickly and peered over the edge.

"What the-"

Midoriya was laying on the floor. His eyes were rolled to the back of his head and he was twitching seemingly uncontrollably.


So, Deku is kind of turning into a villain-vampire. I'm not sure what's going on, it's weird.

Sorry for the wait. This is quite an interesting place to stop.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Have a lovely day!

Crimson Secret (Vampire Deku AU) ~ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now