Chapter 2 - Dreams

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With her mind swirling with questions and the abundant amount of whispers that circled around the student body about magic being revived, Pidge found it hard to focus on any of her classes. Her professors even had difficulty conducting their respective classes with all the chaos. So, when the day ended, she had barely believed that she couldn’t remember a single thing about any of her lessons. It irritated her as much as Takashi did.

“So, would you like to converse with me? Do you believe me now that you clearly are developing the same abilities as Katie Holt?” a familiar milky, deeper voice asked, wonder in his voice. Pidge turned to face Takashi head-on. The male offered her a geeky smile. 

Pidge frowned, folding her arms over her chest. “I don’t know what to make of the previous events, but I have nothing to say to you. I haven’t digested today’s events,” she spat at the senior. Her arms squeezed her small frame of a body, the girl able to feel her hands sparking like they had all day. She had taken to wearing a pair of snow gloves she found in the bottom of her school bag. Granted, her tiny sausage hands were burning up in the heat of the classrooms and people were giving her strange looks, but it was better than them seeing the green orbs her hands created from her palms. 

Takashi looked like he had more to say, but Pidge did not give him the time. She dashed ahead, hoping to see her home come into view very soon. Pidge did hear Takashi’s heavy steps follow her for a bit before he gave up, a relieved sigh falling from her lips and the fall breeze sweeping up her shoulder-length hair. The pale roof of her trailer came into view, a placid smile revving onto her face. Her speed picked up as she turned onto her road and ran up to her driveway. 

What they referred to their driveway was just tons of little pebbles on the ground in the form of a makeshift driveway. Pidge’s family lived a poor life. They made it by with the little jobs that her mother went through. Her father was ill with kidney disease that ruined his body for life. Her old man could barely walk and had to be tended to by his lovely wife. Pidge would never be able to live like her parents. 

“Ah, good, you are home. Clean up the kitchen and make dinner? I have to take your father to his chemo-therapy. You grandfather will need his treatment in about an hour and your sister is in her room,” her mother, Cathrine Gunderson, informed, grabbing her car keys off of the counter. Before she left, Pidge’s mother added, “Your older brother should be home soon. Tell him that he needs to mow the lawn.”

Pidge offered no response, heading to her room to throw her bookbag on the floor and to take her shoes off. The young teen glanced around the green walls, eyeing her kpop posters parred with her inventions thrown about. Her dog, Rover, laid sprawled out on her bed. Pidge gave him a greeting rub to which the beautiful pup of nine months returned with a lick on her mouth. Pidge giggled, muttering a “Gross!” as she wiped the puppy slavia away. 

On her way back to the kitchen, she knocked on her sister, Chip’s, door. The twelve-year old unlocked the door and peeked up at her sister. “What?” Chip snapped, earbuds in and phone in her hand. Pidge sighed at the sight. 

Holding onto her humanity, Pidge seethed, “I told you yesterday to do the dishes, but you didn’t. Please get it done.” Chip pouted and closed the door. “Hey! What are you doing? Get out of there and do your chore! That is all you have to do,” the older, soon-sixteen sister barked, trying to open the door. It was locked again.

With a sigh, Pidge walked into the kitchen, eyeing the terrible state it was in. She had just cleaned it yesterday. After putting the dishes in the sink, cleaning, and throwing drive-through cups away, Pidge started making dinner. With vegetables on the stove, fish and rolls in the oven, and warming water up for mash potatoes, the girl relaxed into the central counter. She scrolled her social media feed, seeing that Shay and Hank had gone out for a date at a popular restaurant chain. Pidge also saw that Takashi’s boyfriend, Adam, was out with a different guy in a picture with the caption, ‘trying out other things’. Feeling weird, she put her phone done and returned to her duties. 

Entering the living room, the area her grandfather often stayed, she began to set up the machine for his treatment. Pidge honestly didn’t know what it did or what it was for. All she knew was that she needed to administer it. Now, Pidge had come to accept all this as her life and that she could do nothing to change it. She knew that her situation was hopeless. She couldn’t get what she wanted, she couldn’t make her parents spend more money than they needed to on her. She was not able to say no to anything her family asked of her. Pidge was very much aware of the chains her family had on her and she couldn’t wait to get out of that house. 

When dinner was finished, she made sure that Grandpa Nick, Chip, and her brother Mathew ate before heading to her room. She didn’t feel like eating much, so she settled on a roll. Entering her room, she settled down at her station and continued on the vacuum robot that broke a few days ago. She had failed to find any physical or electrical errors, so she would have to check the inner workings. Soon, she had nodded off after prying the motion sensors off of the bot. 

The dream Pidge slipped into was one she would never forget. It was so vivid, so real that for the period of it, she had thought she was living it. 

It was snowing, beautiful white crystalized water falling from the heavens in a beautiful array of peacefulness. Pidge stood at a grand window, the glass looking almost nonexistent. The girl felt as if she longed to feel the cool fluff on her skin as she tightened the shawl around her. In a moment of desire, she opened the window to feel the cool wind on her skin. Beneath her stood unfamiliar but familiar people playing like children in the piles of snow. She called out to the man who looked like her older brother if he sported longer hair. “Okay. I think that’s enough snow for a while. You’ve been at it for hours! I’ve gone through three books, seventeen cups of cocoa, and a whole pie!”

The guy who resembled her brother, a woman with long white hair that looked to be the Allura that Takashi had shown her, and Takashi himself looked up at her. Takashi’s stare burned her skin, warming her chest and causing a smile to place itself upon her lips. The Mathew-look-alike shouted up at her. “ Naw, we’re good! Now, close that window before your condition gets worse!” Pidge shook her head at the man, displeased as she reached window’s edge with one hand, the other reaching for one of the window’s doors. Snow slipped under her palm and she spiraled downward fearfully into the warmest embrace she ever experienced. The two of them fell into the snow. 

“Thank god you’re safe. I would have to deal with a guilty Matt if you weren’t,” Takashi mumbled as he sat up. Now, that Pidge was close, the girl realized that this Takashi was broader, more chiseled, and had a white tuff of hair. Realizing that she sat, straddling his lap, Pidge flew up and tightened the shawl around her body before rushing inside

Pidge couldn’t remember if anything else came to be, but she knew that when she awoke that she felt as if she was deeply in love with the Takashi that had caught her in the dream.

Writing this was tough for me for a bit because I wasn't sure where to head or what to put down, but I thought why not write the truth? The Katie in this story will reflect my own childhood. The childhood I had to which I felt that I was in chains and weighed down by other people burdens that had become my own.

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