Temporary Alliances

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"Why... why did you take Optimus's sparkling? He was devastated...! He-he blamed himself for what happened..! How could you? "

I said angrily. He scoffed. "Exactly. What better way to get at him. I wanted him to destroy himself from the loss and guilt of losing his only sparkling. But then he found you. "

I paused. "Me? "

"Yes you. He thinks of you as his own. You aren't of course, but the autobots. They... all see you as one of them. "

He actually sounded sincere for a moment. When he saw me looking at him softly his demeanor changed.

"I don't know how or what's wrong with their processors. A flesh bag like you could never be be one of us. We are titans. Fierce warriors. You are just a squishy human girl. " He said with a glare.

"Yeah well I see it differently. You may be stronger than I in every way possible, but we are the same. "

"How do you suppose that is? Oh do enlighten me. I find it entertaining when you fleshies try to make yourselves all high and mighty. " He smirked evilly.

"We're the same because... well because we all care about something. I just can't quite figure out what that something is for you. Yet.... but I will. I know that you aren't as evil as they say. " I said softly. He looked at me.

"You truly believe that. " He said looking down.

I nodded. "Yes I do. If- "

I was interrupted as the walls and ground shook. Debris fell from the ceiling. "What's happening...!? "

I said. Megatron shushed me as he glanced around frantically with the same question in his mind. "The walls are coming down. It is collapsing again. "  He said. He looked at me.

"Above you! " He yelled. At the last second I noticed a particularly large rock falling straight towards my head, the one he tried to warn me about. I didn't have enough time to move. I wouldn't have gotten far anyhow. I was still stuck.

I gasped and tried putting my hands up to shield myself, but it did no help.

The rock came in contact with my head. I was knocked out instantly as the voice of Megatron called out my name.

He actually said my name this time... not human or flesh bag.... and he tried to warn me... he's changing. I... I know he... is....

That was my final thought before utter darkness. Well... a darker darkness than before I should say.

Above ground, the autobots desperately dug and removed debris to find their friend underneath. The decepticons approached them and aimed. "Freeze Autobot scums! "

Starscram said. Soundwave and Barricade went to the other side. They were surrounded. Optimus growled. Something he rarely did...

But his sparkling- Ivory... Ivory was down there. And they couldn't track her bracelet, meaning it had to of been damaged. Which also meant she wouldn't heal as fast if she was injured.

The decepticons hadn't fled the scene yet. Which must've meant that Megatron was down there too.

Ivory was trapped down there with Megatron! They needed to get her out. "Leave this place now and you shall live. "

Optimus demanded. Suntreaker aimed his blaster. The others following in suit.

"No! Our leader is down there. You leave this place and you shall live. For now. "

Starscream yelled. Ironhide growled. "Prime. I don't like this. But... they aren't leaving without Megatron. We aren't leaving without Ivory. The longer we sit here and debate about who will leave and who won't... the less time our girl has down there. Megatron is down there and her oxygen supply will run out if we don't do something soon. "

He said worriedly. Optimus nodded and stood tall. "Decepticons. I propose a temporary alliance. We work together to free our companions below. After that, we both take our leave! " Optimus said.

The decepticons glanced at one another. "You have an autobot down there? "

Barricade asked with a scowl. Optimus shook his helm. "A human. "

Barricade scoffed. "That human is dead. They're all squish. No protective armor on them. The human is as good as dead. "

"For your sake, you better hope she isn't! " Ironhide yelled taking a threatening step forward.

Starscream put his hand up to silence his fellow decepticons. "You said she. Is it the human sparkling that carries the relic? "

Optimus nodded once. "Yes. It is. "

Starscream looked down at the destroyed building. His leader and a sparkling were down there.... scrap. Sparklings were his weakness...

After a moment he agreed. "We agree to your terms Prime! A temporary truce it is. We will free our master and your human sparkling, then go our separate ways. Decepticons, start digging! "

He called out. The decepticons grumbled about the alliance but did as told. The bots hadn't moved yet. Starscream knew they wouldn't take orders from him so when Optimus nodded, giving them the okay, the search began.

After a few moments, Soundwave moved a large rock that cause the ground to shake. It shook for a good minute before it went still and silent, other than the occasional pebble falling to the ground. 

Sunstreaker cried out in anger. "You idiot! You could've killed her just now! "

"Yeah? This ain't all about your human! Our Master is down there. " A decepticon spat. Sideswipe held his brother back as a fight would've ensued.

There was a tense atmosphere was all around. After a moment of intense glaring, they went back to work. Optimus looked to the blue sky.

"Please be safe, Ivory. We are coming for you. "

Below the rubble, it was silent other than the occasional sound of a rock falling to the ground. Megatron shifted again in attempt to get free.

He let out an angered yell as he was still unable to free himself. The eery silence returned. He wasn't going to lie, hearing the human girl speak was better than this silence.

He opened his optics to see her still unconscious. He rolled said optics. "Stupid humans. So weak and fragile. Like insets. Primus knows how you manage to be a thriving species. " He grumbled. She groaned, moving slightly.

"Wake up. " He said quietly. He wouldn't admit it. Not even to himself. But seeing that rock collide with her head sent a spark of fear through him. But she was still alive.

He shook his helm. The only reason he was relieved to see her alive still, was because he'd rather be stuck with a live human, than a dead rotting human corpse.

That's all it was....

He hoped to at least fool himself with that. But it wasn't working very much.

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