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Sunday, one year ago

" I think I like you, should we go out ? "


Friday, 7: 08 pm

" i hope that you feel pain

hope it hurts when you crack a smile

and i wish that it kills you

whenever you feel happy and you feel fine "

" Innie, sweetheart, can you please shut your alarm off please. "

" Yes Ma'. "

" Jisung, honey, are you two sleeping at Seungmin's ? "

" Yes Mom. "

" Before you go, Innie give this to your mom, by the way, how is she doing ? I didn't see her since the wedding. "

She lend him some boxes with kimchi in it, then she went to kiss her son's forehead.

" She's doing really good, plus Dad's taking really good care of her. I feel relieved. "

Her eyes went soft and she brought her hand to pat his head.

" I'm glad. Have fun guys ! "

" Thanks Mom', I'll see you in two days. "

" Have a good day Ma'. "


Friday, 8: 10 pm

They went on the bus to get to the party.

They all had put a little of make-up and had dressed well. Jisung didn't really know what to wear, so he just went for casual light blue jeans folded on the ankles matched with a random black t-shirt with a logo on it, inserted in his pants. He switch his glasses for lenses and Seungmin yelled at him for not doing it earlier.

" You look so hot when you just put down your glasses ! You should do that more often. "

" What ? Taking them down ? "

" No you dummie, just put on your lenses one day at school. I'm sure you're going to attract any guy. "

Jisung had smiled, then he look at the floor while holding on the bar.

He turned his head to look at them, Seungmin was on his phone, Jeongin was looking at the landscape. Jisung went to him.

" Hey, are you okay ? You've been down since earlier. "

" Yes. Don't wo-. No. "

Jisung look at him carefully, he wasn't crying and didn't have red eyes.

" So, do you wann-. "

" I'm just wondering what would happen if he had stay. "

" Oh. "

" I mean, our dad may not be that bad of guy. "

" He abandoned both of our mothers. "

Jisung took a deep breath.

" And that leads us to have financial difficulty, for my mom, two times Innie. And you have a beautiful family now. Don't worry anymore. He was not there since too much time to worry about his ass anymore. "

" I know, but, I'm always wondering, if one day, he even regretted to leave us behind-. "

" Hey stop. "

He took his face in his hands.

" Yang Jeongin, you should stop worrying about things like this. You're going to get sick again. If he regretted it so much, he wouldn't have forgotten our birthday everytime, or to come see us even once. We all have each others phone number. He would have contacted us since then. "

" Yes, your right. "

He look down, then sniffle while looking up.

" I'm sorry Hyung. Putting a sad mood besides going to a party with you all. "

" Don't apologise, it's normal, I was like you too. If you have any thing you want to talk about Innie, never forget that even if we don't have the same mother, I'm still your older brother. Rely on me sometimes too, don't burden yourself with those thought, okay ? "

" Okay. "

Jeongin wiped his tears that were about to fall then smiled to him and Seungmin that was looking at them worryingly.

" Thank you much Hyung. "

" It's normal my dude. "

Jeongin laughed and slaped his arm.

" Hyung-ah, you can rely on me too, you don't really talk about everything or anything, so it's worrying us. If you have something on your heart, just let it go. "

" Everything is ok, don't worry. "

Jisung hugged him, then Innie went to Seungmin. He was going to follow his track when he received a buzz from his phone.

/Minnie Hyung ♡/ (2)

We're already there, see you baby.

I promise, I won't smoke too much. ;)

He smiled at himself, before he could back his phone he received another buzz.

/Lee Donghyuk/ (1)

Hey, my bro, do you have (Lee) Mark's number, perhaps ? or Seon Jinah numbers ? I know she has it. Please.


happy ending, my ass. by Suggi

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