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Tuesday, 1: 58 pm.

" Ya, stop putting your hands down there. "

Minho pout and rubbed his thigh.

" But your thighs are just so soft and so cute, I wanna squish them. Your ass too. "

Actually, Jisung was trying his best to work on a homework and study a test, but his stubborn of a boyfriend just had to saw him all alone at the school library and now he won't leave him alone.

Another thing, how can he work when a horny dog is trying to get you hard in a middle of an equation.

" Minho Hyung, we're at school. "

" I don't really care. "

" I know but I need to work~. "

He got startled when a couple of books fell down on the table. Seon Jinah taking the place in front of him. Was he screwed because that girl couldn't shut her mouth and had to spread what  crazy thing her mind found ? Yes.

He almost cursed and Minho just rose an eyebrow.

" Didn't know you two were friends. It's really the first time I saw you two together. So you weren't lying after Jisung-ah. "

He stiffened a bit at the mention of his name and laughed nervously.

One, because he was embarrassed.

Two, the situation they were in, was odd and weird.

And three, they didn't even knew each other, fine she badmouthed him every so often but that's all.

Minho rest his palm on the intern of his thigh while his other hand went to the book Jisung was looking at.

" Hello Minho ! I'm Jinah as you must know since we have the same english class. "

" Yes, yes, I know you. Did you need some help from me or Jisung ? "

" Well not really, I just wants to spend some times with you guys. "

Jisung bit his lips and continue finishing his homeworks silently.

" By the way, Jinah, did you know that there were a weird rumor going on about us ? "

" No ?? "

In Minho's eyes, she looked just dumb acting like she didn't knew anything about the current matter. He restrained a sigh and recomposed himself. He gave her a sweet smile.

" You should be careful, people are saying that we spent a night together. Weird isn't it ? We don't know each other that much and people are making funny story about us like we are the trendy couple of the month. Just to make thing clear, I'm not interested in dating so you know, if you ear someone talk about that again I'd really appreciate that you'd tell them please. "

" Why are you telling me all of that, I clearly have nothing to do with that. "

" Right. Jisung, I have some business with Woojin Hyung at his coffee shop, I'll see you later. "

He quickly went off before eyeing his boyfriend  and signing " I Love You ". Jinah looked furious and shoved a book in Jisung's direction.

" Hey ! What are you doing ? " He whispered-yelled.

" I don't know, what are you doing ? "

" My homewo-. "

" Oh shut up, did you told him or what ? Did he pity you so now you both are friends or what ? Continue going that way, and I'm going to make your highschool life's hell. "

" What did I even do to you ? "

" Hello guys~. How are y'all doing ? "

A happy Hyunjin sat next to Jinah and smiled while handing Jisung some burgers he asked for.

A fake smile crept to Jinah's lips and she greeted Hyunjin happily. Never going to look like a bad bitch in front of Minho Oppa's bestfriend or that would be embarrassing.

" Are tou two friends ? "

He pointed to the pair working. He was eating his belgium fries and mouching them, almost got a warning from the librarian.

" We just happend to seat at the same table you know. "

" Oh, cool. "

He shrugged then looked at the girl. Long bleached hair, small eyes and small nose, an average mouth with red tainted lips. Looked pretty to him but after what he heard, he suddenly found her face disgusting.

Don't get him wrong, he always says that everyone is pretty, but sometimes their personality just make them look more like rats.

" Hyunjin Oppa ? " He cringed. " I'm organising a party at my house this saturday and I hope you'll come, you can invite all of your friends if you want. And smoking and drinking allowed. "

" Ok. "


Wednesday, 1: 58 am.







What ?

The ?

Fuck ?

Do ?

You ?

Want ?


Damn, sis snapped.


He's getting on my nerves.

Just tell already duh.


Don't you guys know how to sleep ?


What's sleep ?



In short, I got invited to some party and you guys are invited.

I invite Jisung too.




Yeah !


Who's Jisung ?


Han Jisung, he's in another class.

(I know) You know (Leeknow), he's brother is Yang Jeongin, the boy who almost got a pedophile bang his ass.


You're canceled for that joke.


HEY ?!




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