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Friday, 6: 12 pm.

" Welcome to all the seniors of this session. We all thanks them, me and the teachers that followed them for all those years. I'm happy and glad to announce to all that High School has finished for you and more obstacles would come in the future, but never forget that you overcame labors and I'm sure you will all have the results you want for yourself. I will now start the graduation ceremony by calling all the bachelors by their class and in alphabetical order. "

And one by one, they came, another year had ended, for the better we hope.

All of their groups of friends had welcomed Lee Felix to their group of friends.

Lee Minho and Han Jisung got called, they still remained, after all, attached to each other hips.

You could see them kissingn totally comfortable with each other and being all cute.

" Oh my Woojin, get a room. "

" Oh my what ?? "

" You didn't call me Hyung. "

" Please don't kill me. "

Then Changbin ran away with a cup of limonade in his hand.

Minho took Jisung by his waist and talked to his family, they then posed for their last photos of highschool.

Hyunjin took Jisung's place and did a peace sign, the arm of Minho around his shoulders. He leaned towards him because of his bestfriends poking his arm. He murmured.

" You're fucking tall, bitch. "

He laughed and turned back to the camera for more sillier photos with the others.

Its doesn't sound right in the ears of Jeongin, he looked worried. It wasn't a sincere, it looked like it but wasn't.

He went right to him sliding his left hand in his, squeezing it slightly, Hyunjin looked back confused and he responded with a smile.

" Cheese guys !! "

They smiled ankwardly at Minho's parents.

They drew apart, Jeongin talking with his brother and Chan.

Minho trying to get the others to move quickly.

While he was walking, he looked at his right hand, there laid a folded paper with a blue ink on it.

" Love "


Oops ?

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