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Sunday, one year ago.

" Yes ! "

" Hum, yes, alright. "


Friday, 8: 29 pm.

Minho went up to Chan and Changbin. They already had a beer in their hand. Changbin was on the balcony, the only place where it was ok to smoke in Jackson's apartment. He wasn't in art club, nor in highschool anymore, he was just lending his place to one of his cousin's friends. Chan was standing beside them, next to the window.

When they arrived, they all helped to prepare the party, making some punch and plastic glasses for everyone. Chan had put his playlist on the speakers so that he could last all the night.

" Thanks guys, I didn't know what theme to pull up with. By the way, " He turned to Chan. " how'ya doin' ? "

And they talked about everything and anything.

Minho rejoined Changbin who was smoking his third cigarettes of the day.

" So, you got an e'cig man ? "

" Yeah, but I still have a pack of cigarettes in my bags, in case... They just get down more slowly, but I really decreased them. "

" That's good for you. I don't think I can change this pain in the ass of an addiction someday, even if my family or my significant other ask me too. "

" Why ? You still have anxiety ? "

" We can say that, and you know, it also helps me find a comfortable place. " He eyed Minho knowingly.


Saturday, two and half years ago.

Two young guy were smoking on a swing set, inside a children park. When swinging innocently became a dangerous game of almost adults.

" Minho ? "

" Yes ? "

They had already finished a pack each.

" You know, I was wondering. "

" What about ? "

" Does your parents know that you smoke ? "

" No, because I don't want to disappoint them and my siblings. And you ? "

" I start smoking mainly because of them and anxiety. If you don't want to disappoint them, then why do you smoke in the first place ? "

Minho look at his watch, 1: 20 am.

" You know, when you feel the most alone and you don't know why, and you can't tell anyone because you can't even figure out what's wrong yourself.

One day, I think, I just watchedfor everything that could make me at ease, and comfort me. At first, I tried soft things, watching series, dancing, eating, but none of that helped me to calm down.

So I turned to alcohol, but I didn't like it, it has a more bitter taste than my feelings. So I tried smoking. And tried again. The smoke always make my vision blurry and I always dive in my own world and I felt ok. I guess that's why it stick to me since then. "

He looked at the sky, and he searched for the Big Dipper.

" Do you ever regret starting ? "

" I don't know, ask me in a few years. "


Friday, 9: 12 pm.

Pretty much everyone had arrived already. Minho was searching his dear boyfriend with hos eyes. He found him rather with facility.

He nudged at Hyunjin and they went dancing.

Every kind of music were on.

Minho would have said that he went on the dancefloor just to have fun. In reality, he was addicted to the thrill that it gave him.


Friday, 11: 39 pm.

Jisung, eyed everyone, then smiled to his friends that were talking about the guys that they could hook up with and how hot they were. He had a cup of non identified liquids but he didn't care. He was just getting dizzier. He thought that getting some fresh air was a good idea. How much he was wrong when he saw Minho standing there smoking. How much the smirk that appeared on Minho's lips was wrong. Despite all of his cells telling him that a wolf was about to eat him alive, he went to him.

" Hey. "

" Hey. "

" You're drunk. "

" You're high. "

" We complete each other so well then. "

Minho looked at Woojin who send him a wink and some inappropriate hand gesture. He pointed his middle finger at him, then returned his attention to the boy who was gripping his colar, trying to get him down to kiss his lips.

" Baby, calm down, we have a lot of people surrounding us. " He murmured close to his face.

" I don't care, I want you. Now. "

Minho rose an eyebrow, then blowed some peach smoke on his boyfriend's face.

" Then, let's go. "

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