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Monday, 10: 13 am.

" Well look at that, we just passed ten am and here we have a bounch of students who had gotten on each others face because of what ? "

" They harassed another student. "

" Ok, I'm interviewing four by four. Let's see. The first one who came here. Present yourself. "

" Lee Minho. "

" Hwang Hyunjin. "

" Kang Beoyeon. "

" Jung Jaehyun sir. "

" So guys, we are going to be cooperating with each other because let's be honest, I don't care who start it, I just want to know why, and beside it's too early for this. Then doctors will come and treat your wound. "

Hyunjin and Minho looked at each other, clearly, they didn't want to be there at all.

One wanting to be by his boyfriend's side and the other just not there.

" I hurt his pride so he punched me. "

" Why did you hurt his pride ? "

" Because he was picking on my boyfriend and one of his friend literally threw him away, I didn't want to disfigured him so I just went for a talk but he got worked up. "

" Ok, so basically, that fight start because of some misunderstandings ? "

" Excuse me sir. "

They shot their heads up to Jaehyun, he wasn't one to talk in class and here they were at the police station because they all got in a fight.

He breathed.

" Him and his friends were being homophobic over Minho's boyfriend and his brother. "

" Where are they ? "

" At the hospital, that's when the fight end and when you arrive. He got thrown against a wall and hit his head first. "

" Can I hear Beoyeon now or ? "

" I was just joking this guy was about to come for my throat. I was joking with them. "

" Doesn't justify that you harass freshmen. "

" He is gay ! "

" So what ? "

" That's wrong ! "

" Again, so what ? "

" What the f-. "

" You can go to prison for harassment with a fine, but you're a minor so if Minho's boyfriend or him, because you punched him first, pressed charges, it's your parents that's going to be fined are you aware of that ? "

" That's so wrong !? I didn't do anything and it's me who's going to get fined ?! He punched me too. "

" That's considered as defense, I'm sorry but the one who's wrong is you and your friend. "

" What the hell is wrong with you all ! I promise Minho if see each other again I'm going to send you to hell ! "

They watched him got taken away by some policemen who sent him in a room to calm himself.

Minho looked at the sergent weirdly.

" What never saw, someone who's actually fair ? "

" Well. "

Jaehyun got taken care by doctors and they both waited on the side.

" You're ugly with that on your face. "

" I think it's quite fashionable. "

" You know, I'll probably be in trouble since I attacked him. "

" I know, you shouldn't have gotten involved. "

" It's us two or none, I'm not leaving my bestfriend behind. "

Soon after they got treated and they waited outside for Minho's parents to come.

" You are both idiots. "

" I know Chan Hyung, I know. "

" But, are you hurt anywhere ? "

" No, my knuckles are bruised though. "

" My jaw hurts but that's all. "

Chan gave them water and sat next to them on the stairs.

" How did it went ? "

" How's Jisung ? "

They looked at each other.

" Sorry, I don't know actually, it was weird but the officer was nice. "

" Jisung he's asleep and he got treated right away since he got an injury on the head. "

" Does he have other wound beside that ? "

" No don't worry, he's in perfect health, he just need to rest. "

" Minho. "

He looked up to his angry dad and worried mother.

" Oh my god, what happend to your face and why- ? "

" Honey calm down. What happend ? "

" They got Jisung, threw him, I got punched then Jisung was bleeding and I don't know everything is a blurr. "

" Oh my, poor kid. "

" Let's go home, Miyeon and Mark are waiting for you. "

They drove back in silence, dropped Chan at his house.

He entered his home, he heard steps and black hairs suddenly in front of him and a body crashing to him.

" Are you ok Hyung ? "

" Yes kinda. "

Mark looked worried from the stairs, Donghyuk on his side.

They all went to the kitchen were they ate in silence.

" What do you guys want to do after that ? "

" If he's filing complaints I'm in trouble. "

" I don't want to take any action yet and want to ask Jisung first when he's out. "

A hand caressed his hair.

" You were very brave, next time don't punch someone ok ? "

" He punched me first. "

" That's not a reason, I know that you wanted to protect your boyfriend but sometimes fighting is not a solution. "

" Yes, I'm sorry. "



Thanks you to all who has been reading this story. I'm sorry if there's so typo because english is not my first language.

I hope you're liking the story so far !

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