341 13 4

Friday, 14 years ago.



Where's the clock.

He couldn't breath.

Heartbeat. 1. 2.

" Jisung, I need to talk to you sweetheart. "

The 4 years old boy ran to his mother with his plushie in his hand. It was a big plushie, almost covering up half of his small frame.

" Mama' what's happening ? "

" You know your dad ? "

" Who ? "

" Your daddy. "

" Oh, I know ! The man who left us for another woman and I saw their baby. "

" Yes. "

" I heard he's bad. "

" Come to me baby, there is some problems in the neighborhood. "

She walked out of their home and went to the green house nearby. She knew what was happening, because she knew the woman who lived there. Because, she was the one who her ex-boyfriend left her for. Because everything that happend before, she wouldn't dare believe them.

" Han Jisung. "

" Yes mama ? "

" Now you must behave ok ? I prayed for you since you were so young. I'm going to introduce you to another baby and you're going to behave ok ? "

" Ok. ", He said happily then turned his head to the house. " It's big. "

" I know. "

Breath, in and out, you can do it.

She inhale then rang at the door. For minutes, no one answered the door. Then, a woman, THE woman, with red eyes and hollowed cheeks.

She saw her then almost closed the door.

" No please, I'm here to help you. "

" How can you ? I took what was yours two years ago ! And now he's leaving me, and you warned me, but I didn't trust you, I didn't believe you, and now I'm facing the consequences. And my baby, doesn't have a father anymore !! "

She almost yelled, then try to calm down. She had startled Jisung who looked at her. She had teary eyes, which went soft while seeing the small little guy.

" I'm even more sorry, both of our kids doesn't have a father anymore. "

" I came here to help you, please, we can raise them together. They don't need a father when they have two mothers and a brother. Please Sooyoung. You don't have to live in this big house for now-. "

" Come in, I'm introduc-. "

" Mommy, who are they ? "

" Mama', I told you I saw him ! "

" Innie come here. "

Reflect a good memory, 1. 2. 3. Heartbeat. Breath.

Another boy, who was a few centimeters smaller than Jisung walked to them and clinged onto his mother's dress.

Soonkyu put Jisung down, and he quickly went to his side.

" Hello ! I'm Yang Jeongin nice to meet you. "

" Oh, you are cool, I'm Jisung but you can call me Sungie. "

Jisung look at him, he watched him from bottom to top. He had some similarities he didn't know from where, but at the same time they were different. Their aura was matching but incompatible. It was as if, they were identifying each others as siblings. Their souls knew before their not yet mind could even find what was in the others than attracted them so much towars each others.

" I'm leaving. Now "

Jisung widened his eyes, he was afraid. He knew that cold voice who sent shiver down his spines. He put Jeongin behind him from instinct then looked up. It was the first time in his four years of leaving that he encountered his progenitor's eyes.

" Ugly. "

" How rude ? "

" Your eyes are ugly mister. "

He bent down but quickly was stopped by a woman.

" It's been a long time Soonkyu. "

" Fuck you, and get out of here, your game is stopping right here and there. "

" Watch your mouth in front of our childs. "

" They are not yours. "

They heard whispers, the neighbors were out and looking at them.

" What's happening ? "

" Is this some drama ? I'm in ! "

" Woah, they are kids. Poor them. Must be a complicated family. "

She breathed againg and put a hand on her son's head.

" They're not yours since you set up that rule. What was it again ? Oh right ! I must leave the woman two years after she gave birth to the thing. "

" You what ?! You don't even consider them as human beings. "

" Sooyoung. " He sighed. " Not you two. "

" Go to hell. "

Jisung looked back at Jeongin who was trembling in fears. He knew that look in his eyes. He just knew.

Jisung's eyes then went up to the adults, then he saw, his small hands try to grip the woman he didn't know. He couldn't do anything when she fell down and he heard the man laugh. He look at him with horror. He eyes settled down on the woman.

And his hands were preventing Jeongin to run to his mother. The both of them were too young at that time. A game of adults became the terror of two childs.

Whispers were loud and gasp too.

But he didn't heard the sirens of the ambulance, neither he heard when his mother told him to go back in the house and not to move before she came back. He didn't heard the wheels of the black car that went down the alley.

He didn't heard the people anymore, but he felt, he felt disgusted and wanted to throw up. He felt their eyes all over him like cheap perfume. He smelled their so fake attention.

He didn't heard the door when his mother quickly closed it and he slid down it, the younger boy still in his arms. He didn't know but they hugged each other. And he made a promise, a promise to both of them.

Tic tac

Breath slowly

In, Out

" Innie, I'll be your brother now, I'm going to protect you. And I promise it's going to be ok. "

He said that but they soon collapsed from exhaustion, trauma carved all over their children's dreams.

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