1: Break Ups

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•7:43am|| Monday, October 1st•


Jimin groaned, sitting up with a glare at his adopted brother, who was gleaming back at him innocently.

"I swear to god Kookie... wake me up like that again and someone's gonna find your lifeless body in the sewer."

Jungkook laughed, shaking his head in dissaproval.

"Get ready for school! We have to go in 10 minutes!"

Jimin groaned once again, slipping into his uniform, which consisted of a navy blue blazer, black tie and white dress shirt, along with some navy blue pants and black slacks to match. He brushed through his black matted hair lazily, shrugging at what he saw in the mirror and walking to his bags.

He went through his books , triple-checking to see if he had everything.

"Hyunnng!" whined Jungkook from downstairs, waiting by the door for Jimin, who rushes next to him seconds later.

"Sorry! Sorry!" he repeated as the two of them stepped on the school bus, Jimin sitting in the front while Jungkook traveled farther back to his friends.

Jimin sighed, plugging in his earbuds and listening to music, looking out the window.

The one perk of sitting in the front was that nobody did it, meaning he was always guaranteed a spot alone.

That was until someone plopped down next to Jimin, completely ignoring him and his gaping expression.

"Um... excuse me sir... would you mind sitting over there? I'm waiting for a friend.." he lied, hoping the male would go away.

"Oh? Um... I'm sure your friend won't mind. Right?"

Jimin rolled his eyes. Who did this guy think he was?!

"Then could you move? I'm gonna go sit over there-"

The stranger shook his head abruptly, waving his arms at the same time. "Wait! Isn't one of the rules that you can move once the bus starts moving?

Jimin growled at the logic thrown in his face, he sat back down, putting his bag on his lap with a huff, staring out the window in defeat. The male chuckled, looking at his phone.

Jimin already shoved his headphones back in his ears and blasted the music to ignore the stranger, not wanting to talk.

•1:23pm||Monday, October 1st•

"Class is dissmissed! Off to lunch everyone!" said the teacher who excitedly ran out of the classroom, happy the lesson was over.

Jimin smiled and picked up his books for said class, before a girl ran in front of him with a smirk.

"Ai... Park Jimin!" she said, hands on hips, smiling at the things she thought she was going to say.

Jimin smiled. This was Lin Maya, his girlfriend. He had known her all his life, them attending elementry and middle school together. Maya had asked Jimin out last year, and he had accepted, having the "smallest" crush on her for a while.

Jimin gleamed at his girlfriend, but his beam broke abruptly into a million peices when he heard the words.

"I'm breaking up with you."

What? Was this real? This couldn't be real! Jimin loved Maya, he treated her with love, respect, and affection. He showered her in gifts, what more could she want??

"W- why?" he said, biting his tongue at the snarky girl.

"I just. It's just not working out Jiminie. I thought you were one person. But you just aren't that person anymore. Plus- you won't even let me in your bed! Girls have needs Jimin! And you being like this just makes me think you're a little bit-" she huffed, growling as she laced the next of her words in hatred.

"A little bit a fucking faggot, actually."

At this same time, Jungkook walked into the classroom, along with the stranger from before, who frowned at the scene from behind Jimin's brother.

Jimin was a nice kid. And all of his life, Jungkook had only seen him mad once, and that was when someone decided it was a good idea to push Kookie off the monkey bars and give him stitches.

When he was 10.

Jimin bit his lip. It took all his strength not to bitch slap the dumb girl. His hands curled into fists, his knuckles growing white.

"Are you fucking serious?" he said with a frown, the girl flinched, a bit taken aback by his word choice.

"Did you just curse?"

"Did I stutter? Answer my question you- you!"

Maya blinked. She didn't know Jimin was even capable of being this mad.

Jimin growled and ripped from her neck the most expensive thing he's ever given her.

"Hey! That's mine!" she spoke,glaring at the pearled necklace, rubbing her neck with a frown.

"Oh really? You won't associate yourself with the little queer boy who loved you but you'll frolic around in all the shit he bought you?!"he growled, throwing the jewelry across the room harshly and storming out ,leaving Maya there alone with the two gaping boys.

Jungkook went to run after Jimin but the stranger grabbed his shoulder and shook his head.

"I got this."

Jungkook smiled as the male ran after Jimin, turning to Maya with a growl.

"Having Jimin pissed at you is a scary thing MayMay, the entire school practically is in love with him- whether he realizes that or not-"

Maya looked up, tears falling from her eyes. "What- what have I done. He'll ruin me- I'm such an idiot. He's going to rip up all my rep I've worked for- jungkook you have to-"

Jungkook deadpanned. "Numero uno, you are an idiot, thanks for acknowledging, so Numero dos, no, fuck you, good bye"

He waved, rolling his eyes and making his way to Lunch.

Maya scowled, wiping the tears from her eyes.



●End Chapter 1: Break Ups ●

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●TLDR: Jimin went to school and met an annoying stranger, then his girlfriend dumped him●

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