4: Blame

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•12:30am||Tuesday, October 2nd•

"And that's why Jimin always wins at hide n' seek!" Jungkook proclaimed, smiling as Tae nodded along, knowing very well that Jimin used the same tactics when they were friends.

"I get it, I get it! Can't you just say I'm short instead of making a speech!" Jimin whined, shaking his head as he messed around with his food.

Taehyung frowned. Jimin had barely eaten anything off the tray he had gotten. Something had to be on his mind.

"Well that's because it's a lot more fun to tease you. These fuckers love seeing you whine." snickered Yoongi, who shook his head and turned to talk to Hoseok a moment later.

Jimin stood up abruptly with his tray, "I'll be right back!"

He walked off to throw his food away, nobody really realising a small folded up peice of paper fall out of his pocket.

Except of course when Tae did.

Tae, appreciating the olders privacy didn't read it. He instead put it in his own pocket, waiting to return it when Jimin came back.

But when Jimin silently yet visibly freaked out under the knowledge, Taehyung kept his mouth shut, wondering what was so special about the mere peice of paper.

"W-where is it-" mumbled Jimin, who's face paled, looking under the table.

Taehyung frowned. He slowly tucked the peice of paper further in his pocket, biting his lip in shame.

He was just curious! Besides, it was probably just notes. Jimin was the "saint" of the school after all.

When the bell rang, the group of boys
went to their seperate classes. Jimin following Yoongi into music.

Tae had his next class with Jungkook and Jin. As he walked into class with the youngest and eldest of the group, he took his seat and finally got a chance to open the note.

What he saw was abosolute.....

How do I say?


He scowled. Looking at the handwriting with narrowed eyes. Definitely a girl, unless there's a guy around the school drawing little hoops it their o's and calling people "hon".

He crumpled up the paper and tossed it into the trashcan, spending the rest of the class period glaring at the ground.

Jimin smiled nervously his entire class period, trying to focus on the project with Yoongi.

When the bell rang, the two sighed and cleaned their area of music sheets, lyrics and instruments.

Jimin was expecting to meet Taehyung before he even left the classroom, he wasn't however, expecting Tae to barge into the classroom and go straight to the tables of girls in the corner.


"Which one of you worthless bastards wrote this about my Jimin?!" he snarled, a few of the girls jumping.

Maya, who was in the group shook her head with an innocent look.

"I have no idea what your talking about."

Tae growled, his eyes landing on a girl who was paying no attention to him, gathering her stuff to leave the class.

"Where do you think your going?!" he snarled, standing in front of her.

She didn't flinch, instead she rose an eyebrow and walked around the male with a small snicker.

Tae frowned. He had no reason to hate that girl, so he turned to the others.

"Who. Did. It."

Maya began, "I told you we hav-"

"It was this whole table of girls." suddenly spoke the female from before.

"They worked together to write it." she mused.

Tae snarled. "Why the fuck would you say those things about my Jimin!"

Maya flinched slightly before laughing.

"Your Jimin? You really are delusional. Just go comfort your boyfriend. And Ava? Fuck off."

The aforementioned smiled and walked up to Maya, raising her hand and swiftly slapping her cheek, it left red.

"Y'know sometimes I look at you in the hallway, and it makes me a little less bisexual. " she whispered, walking over to Jimin to calm him down.

Because of Tae going crazy, Jimin had stuck himself in the corner, rocking back in forth with his head burried in his knees.

"Jimin. Get your ass up.." mumbled Ava, who sat beside him and nudged him slightly with her elbow.

Tae looked around the scene. He shook his head, running out of the room on the verge of tears.

It was his fault.

If he had been there to protect Jimin earlier. He could of helped.

But now.

Jimin probably hated him for the outburst.

He locked himself up in an empty classroom, sitting against the door. He tugged on his hair, growling as he jerked his head down, tears flowing down his face.

Jimin wasn't any of those things.

'But I certainly am...'


●End Chapter 4: Blame●

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If you have suggestions or want to correct me on anything, please do so in the comments!

●TLDR: Tae got mad when he found out about Jimins note, but met a girl that seemed to side with them.

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