8:Bored and Drunk

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•6:78pm|| October 17th•

Jimin had been trying to figure out him and Tae's predicament for a while now. He was beginning to get frustrated. It was easier now that he trusted Tae, and that Tae was staying with him and Jungkook for the meantime while his grandmother was in the hospital.

So far he had learned that Tae was indeed his childhood friend. He knew that Tae was the reason why he had lost his memory (which he quickly forgave, since it was his dumbass brain that told him to run into the road). He knew that Tae had lost his parents and only had his grandmother, and finally, he knew that Tae was easily provoked.

Jimin sighed, looking up at his ceiling with a pout.

"So where did you move to?" he asked Tae, who was sitting on a beanbag acrossed the room, playing on his phone.

"I uh... I went to America. Nanà wanted me to go to the private school my mother attended. So I had no other choice. " the male responded vaguely, not looking up from the mobile game.

Jimin nodded lightly with a frown, staring at his crossed legs.

"Oh... So why'd she let you come back?"

Tae sighed,pausing his game and looking at Jimin with a tilted smile.

"I got into a fight with this guy. I failed Nanà by getting expelled from the school. Her only other choice was to bring me here. She said it was okay. But.. I don't know. I shouldn't of gotten so mad" he sighed.

Jimin nodded slightly, not wanting to push it. "Oh... okay..Sorry"

Tae sighed, shaking his and forcing a smile to his lips.

"It's fine Minnie. Seriously. Now!- Is there anything fun to do around here?" he asked, eager to change the subject.

Jimin knew exactly what Taehyung was trying to do, but pushed it away with a sigh.

"I wouldn't know. But we can ask Kookie and Ava, they're in his room right now and I'm sure they know everything to do here" Jimin offered, Tae nodding his head with a smile.

They made their way to Jungkooks room and opened the door to see Jungkook cheering and Ava rolling her eyes.

"Haha!" teased Jungkook, only to have the back of his head meet a sore losers blow.

"Oh whatever!" Ava sneered, looking up at Jimin and Tae with a sigh, waving.

"Your brother and his bo- FRIEND are here" she corrected herself gracefully, Jungkook snickering slightly.

"Oh, hey Jiminie and Tae-hyung!" Jungkook waved innocently.

"Do you need anything?"

Jimin sighed, explaining to the two that Tae and him thought it would be cool to go somewhere, and that they thought it be best to ask the two of them.

Ava sighed. "Well. We do know quite a few places... but.."

Jimin arched a brow. "Hm?"

"If I go, Jinnie-oppas going, and if he goes, he's bringing Namjoon-hyung along too, and if they're both going, the rest of the children are going to be dragged along as well"

They all looked at Tae with questioning looks, tilted heads and crossed arms. The male just nodded with a smile, shrugging nonchalantly.

"It's cool. I wanna get to know your guys friends anyways! It could be fun!"

And that was the sentence that sealed Taehyungs fate.

He would no longer look at the gang of friends Jiminie had picked up over the past few years as normal people.

If anything, Tae views them as a group that impersonates the phrase 'no homo'

Although to judge them for that would be a pretty big hypocrisy on Taehyungs part.

•10:00pm||October 17th•

"I knew this was a bad idea" mumbled Yoongi, who shook his head at 3 drunk teens wobbling around his room with funny looks on their face.

"HeY! MayBe iF yOu'd lIvEn uP!" shot back Ava, who scowled at Yoongi as Jin took the bottle from her hands with a sigh of dissapointment.

"YEaH!" argued Hoseok, who clung to Yoongi, making the older avoid eye contact, trying his best to ignore him.

Taehyung sat there with his mouth gaping open as Jimin downed a bottle of alcohol like it was water. Jungkook tried to take it but Jimin argued, seeming to be the only one of the three who could still talk normally.

"Stop! I'm older! Listen! This.. this is m i n e" Jimin giggled, finishing the bottle off and laying on his stomach, staring at the ceiling.

Namjoon sat there, staring at the ground and questioning life along with Yoongi.

"How are you going to get rid of them?" he whispered to Yoongi, who shrugged.

"Jin-hyung will drive Ava, Tae, Jimin, and Jungkook home. He's taking you too. I'll just keep Hoseok here..." Yoongi smiled awkwardly.

Namjoon nodded with an arched brow, standing up and helping Jin load children into his car.

Hoseok waved goodbye politely and Yoongi sighed, shaking his head.

"You're hopeless Jung Hoseok. Hopeless"

Hoseok smiled warmly, scrunching up his nose.

"Maybe, but perhaps all of my hope is on you?~"

Min Yoongi will never in his life, be around drunk Jung Hoseok again.


Because fuck anyone that make the genius known as Yoongi, stutter.

Interpret that, how you wish. ;)


●End Chapter 8: A Drunken Puzzle ●

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●TLDR: Jimin and Taehyung trust Jungkook and Ava to take them out somewhere, and they all somehow end up in Yoongi house, 3 of which extremely drunk.

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