5: Younger Sister

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"Hello? Kim Taehyung we know your in here!"

Tae frowned at the females voice, standing up and attempting to smudge tear stains from his cheeks.

"What do you guys want?" he asked looking down at his feet as he opened the door.

"We just wanted to check on you... damn" sounded the short female, Jimin awkwardly staring at the floor beside her.

He had no clue who this girl was, or why she was even hanging around them. She seemed like she liked to keep to herself, like Yoongi.

"How do you know Jimin..." Taehyung asked, tilting his head with a frown.

She furrowed her eyebrows.

"My big brothers in your guy's friend group. I usually hang out with Kookie because he's in my grade but I hang out with the others too.." she explained, rolling her eyes at Taehyung nodding.

Wait, so who-

"Seokjin is my older brother....yada yada..." she trailed off, spotting Jungkook as he wheeled around the corner and smiling before running after her best friend.

Jimin frowned at the silence that began to creep upon the scene, eager to break it.

"Do... you.... uh- Did you... Get mad like that... all the time?"

Tae just shrugged, frowning as Jimins eyes suddenly widened, and his facial expression stilled.


"Kookie whats wrong?" I asked my brother, frowning as tears ran down his face.

Moments later my eyes peer down at the blood oozing from his knee. I gag slightly, only to turn to a fit of rage I wasn't familiar with.

"W-who did that to you?!" I shreiked, turning to look all over the playground.

I notice a group of boys laughing at my crying brother from the monkey bars, one of them even daring to stand a little closer and flim us.

I barreled towards them eyes piercing into their widened eyes.

It was then when I felt someones hand pull me back from my wrist, looking at me with a frown.

"Minie? What's wrong?" asked my best friend, frowning.

My rage immediately vanished at my friends innocent tilted head, only to see him copy my angry glare seconds later, noticing the scene.

"Assholes!" cursed Tae as he ran to charge the one filming.

I gasped at the bad word. Not knowing what to do, I run back to my brother, avoiding eye contact with the teachers that ran into the playground blowing their whistles seconds later.


"Oh.... you did..." Jimin said, looking at the floor.

Tae smiled sadly at the statement, nodding.

"I'm sorr-"

He was cut off and pulled into a soft embrace by the smaller boy, his head resting on his shoulder as he stood on his tip toes.

"I... I'm sorry for treating you poorly when we first met...again... All of this is news to me and I know this can get irritating knowing im learning things really slow and-"

Jimin was cut off my Taehyung laughing and tightening the embrace.

"It's not your fault Minie... you Have to remember. Sooner or later."

They stayed like that for what seemed like forever, only pulling apart when they heard a large and rather forced cough coming from the elder looking at them with an arched eyebrow.

Ava and Jungkook stood beside him, hand in hand as the two quietly messed around, making faces at each other and whispering in the others ear.

"Are we interrupting something?" Jin mused, crossing his arms.

"N-no!" Jimin said, pulling himself from the embrace and backing away awkwardly.

"Good. I want Tae to formally meet my-"

"Jinnie-oppa I swear I will slit your throat" warned Ava, only to have Jin cover her mouth.

"Little sister" he mused.

Ava growled, swatting his hand away.

"This is Avarū. She likes to be called Ava. But selEct feW call her "rURu" " He scowled obnoxiously.

Avarū smirked. "He's just mad hes not the select few."

Jin groaned. "AnyWaYs... she's a freshman, like Kookie!"

Jin ruffled Jungkooks hair. The youngest scowled, fixing his hair as Ava snickered at his reaction.

Jimin finally spoke up, looking around as nobody remained in the hall ways.

"The bell rang awhile ago..." Ava stated, motioning to the book bag she had grabbed before her mission to find Taehyung.

Jimin nodded. They really should of left the building ages ago.

"Ruru! Ruru! Wanna play video games at my house?" Jungkook enthused, proud of his great idea.

Ava smirked. "Hells yeah! Your on!"

"Language!" scowled Jin as he watched to two run out of the building.

Tae laughed awkwardly. Walking away from the group.

"I gotta go home to Naná, she should be hungry by now!"

He flashed a reassuring and cute box smile, before jogging out of the building as well.

•8:26pm|| October 2nd•

"Darn it!" whined Jungkook as he saw the screen declaring Ava victorious.

"Told you I was good!" Ava smiled victoriously, taking a picture of the screen.

"Everytime you tease me about my height, I'll bring this up." she exclaimed, watching as Jungkooks eyes widened.

"Ruru no!" he jumped for the phone, almost climbing on top of the girl in attempt to get it.

She curled up in a ball, protecting her phone by her stomach, refusing to let Jungkook win.

Jungkook was going to attempt to unravel the persistent gurl when knocking rapped on the door.

"Avarū honey? Your brothers here to pick you up! It's getting late."

Ava sighed, pocketing her phone as she answered. "Yeah I'll be right down."

She looked at Jungkook with a smile, kissing his cheek, which was a normal thing for them to do, before walking out the door.

"Bye Kookie!" she smiled, closing the door behind her.

"Bye Ruru..." he said, his voice trailing off as he placed his fingers on his cheek with a small smile.


●End Chapter 5: Younger Sister ●

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If you have suggestions or want to correct me on anything, please do so in the comments!

●TLDR: Jimin learns more about Taehyung, and we begin to explain Avarū and her relationships with the others!

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