2: Memories

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•1:46pm|| Monday, October 1st•

Jimin was busy casually destroying his hand by punching the cement wall when he saw someones hand clasp around his wrist and spin him around.

"Wow there buddy! What the wall ever do to you?"

Jimin looked up to see the familiar male. His blood was boiling, his face was red and all he wanted to do was hit, kick, and scream.

"Why the hell are you here?! Who are you?! What do you want?!"

The male softened. He let go, looking... hurt?

"I get your pissed and whatever. But my names Kim Taehyung!" the male scratched the back of his head, holding out his hand.

Jimin frowned. He dismissed the hand gesture and crossed his arms.

"That answers only one of my questions. Im waiting."

Tae sighed. This wasn't going to be easy.

"I came to check up on you... and the reason why... you might remember soon. I can only hope."

Tae smiled weakly and left the room, Jimin left confused .

He didn't understand. Why would he hate a stranger so much? He had only just met him! And what was with this "remember" nonsense?!?

Tae knew that Jimin would remember him eventually.

A childhood friend. At the age of 5, Tae and Jimin were inseparable. They went everywhere together. Spent their days laughing away.

That was until Tae had to move when they were both 11. Jimin couldn't bare  to see him go, he ran off and into the street, getting in a horrible accident.

When he came to, he had forgotten everone he knew, but with time with each person, he began to remember them all one by one.

Tae unfortunately had to leave before he had his chance with Jimin, which is why Jimin no longer remembers him.

But he's here now! And he'll do whatever it takes to get his friend back.

•4:34pm || Monday, October 1st•

Jimin walked home with a sigh. He looked at the ground, his lip quivering. His brother said he needed to wait for someone he wanted to bring over by the school gate, so Jiminie was left alone.

He walked inside to see his father sitting on the couch, bottles of alcohol littered around him.

Jimin blinked, rushing past until he heard a loud,


He paused, turning around to his father, trembling, tears rolling down his face.

"Come here."

Jimin did as told, walking towards his father, flinching as the elder smashed a bottle against the coffee table, holding on to his peice of broken glass.

"You think your worth something huh? Do you?!"

Jimin flinched, biting his lip before he stuttered,

"Y- maybe-"

His father growled, bringing the broken glass up the boys face.

"Fucking think again, park"

Jimin yelped in pain as the glass was pressed against his cheek, a deep cut forming.

He ran upstairs and locked his bedroom door, leaning against the door with heavy breathing.

He looked at his face. Stained cheeks from crying, a red line clearly making up on his face, blood traveling to his chin.

A knock suddenly rapped on the door. 

"Hyung? Its Kookie let me in!"

Jimin sighed and opened the door, frowning at Tae who lunged forward as soon as he saw him hurt.

"I was so w- "

Jimin pulled away, frowning.

"Uh... why is he here Kookie?" He said, looking back at a troubled maknae.

"He's my friend! He was just worried. Sorry..."

Tae gulped and bit his lip. Thats right, they couldn't just tell Jimin the situation, it would send him into a shock.

He can't just say, "Oh we were childhood friends but you got fucking ran over and now im here to annoy the shit out of you until you like me again."

No... that wouldn't work...

Tae sighed. He shook his head and grabbed Jimins wrist, grabbing a tissue and sitting him on the bed.

"Did I...do something to offend you?" Tae asked, frowning as he patted away blood from Jimins cheek.

Jimin froze. He had been abnormally rude around Tae. Why?

He had no fucking clue.

He just hated the way he made him feel. He walked in the room and Jimin felt as though his heart was ripped from his chest, but he didn't know why.

Jimin shook his head. "No..."

Tae huffed, sitting on the bed beside him with a groan.

"Then why don't you like me! I- Kookie said you were nice!"

Jimin frowned. He wasn't wrong. Jimin is usually very nice. The lashing only happens when...

"I... I don't know..."

Tae pursed his lips. He had known Jimin for so long.  He couldn't bare look at him, and have him look back in an almost annoyed way. Tears threatened to fall as he shook his head and made his way to the door.

"Im sorry, I'll  just go-"

He went to turn the handle when he heard a large thump and the familiar yelp of Jungkooks. When he turned around, Jimin was sprawled out acrossed the floor, Jungkook propping him up, worried.


"TaeTae!" I whined, sprinting after the boy that was giggling and running acrossed the yard.

"Get back here you rascal!"

Tae stopped running from me and abruptly turned around, running towards me instead

I giggled, jumping in his arms, both of us falling to the ground.

We sat there, giggling and squirming around, neither of us wanting to move.


Jimin lazily fluttered his eyes open, scanning the area. He was leaned up against his bed. His brother who sat next to him smiled cheerfully and hugged him tightly with a "you're awake!"

Jimin however, was looking for someone in particular.

"Tae..?" he questioned, as he saw the taller male who had burried himself in his knees in the corner.

He looked up lazily, rolling his eyes with a ,

"Am I doing something wrong?"

Jimin winced. He remembered how that boy looked like in his dream. It all felt so real. And he went by.. Tae Tae? He believed?

He pursed his lips, testing how Tae would react if he said,

"Do...do I know you somehow... Tae Tae?"


●End Chapter 2: Memories ●

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If you have suggestions or want to correct me on anything, please do so in the comments!

●TLDR: Jimin got hurt and Kookie and Tae helped him, Jimin also remembered a memory that was somehow connected to Tae.

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