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"I'm going on lunch break.", I tell my coworkers. "Be back in twenty minutes.", my manager, told me. I rolled my eyes and walked out. I work at a bakery. I make good money but I hate the people I work with. I do other things like model but I'm not getting money for that.

I walk down the street to Panda Express and order some sesame chicken with rice. After I got my food, I headed back to the bakery. When I walk in, there's a girl arguing with my manager. Her skin is darker than mine. She was really skinny but had a big butt and breast. Not that I was looking that hard.

"Woah, what's going on ?", I ask. "She messed up my damn order ! I can't eat this half burnt ass donut !", the girl yelled. I looked at the donut and it was indeed half burnt. "What the hell ? You gave her a burnt donut ?", I ask my manager. "Hold on, I'll get you a better donut."

I walk behind the counter and get her a fresh and warm glazed donut and put it in a bag for her. "Here you go.", I say as I hand the bag to the girl. "Really Cassie ? Just for that, you're fired !", my manager yelled at me. "What ?! Are you kidding me ! For getting her a better donut !?", I yell. "No for disrespecting me !", my manager yelled at me.

I was extremely pissed. "If anyone was being disrespectful, it was you. Why the hell would you give me a burnt donut anyway ?", the girl said. "I'm pretty sure you lost one of your best employees over something you did. Cassie, I know we just met but if you need anything or a place to stay, I got you. I mean, you did just get me a fresh donut."

I hesitated. I didn't really need anything. I wanted to get home to my stupid small apartment. I was honestly in tears. "Yea, thanks a lot.", I say wiping away some tears. "No problem sweetie, let's go.", she said. We walked out the back and towards a white car. "I'm Diamond by the way.", she told me. "It's very nice to meet you Diamond.", I say as I give her a small smile.

"So, you know anyone around here ?", she asked me. "Here in La ? Nope.", I say. My family is gone. I don't like to talk about them. "Oh, any friends ?", she asked me. I shake my head. "What the hell girl ? Do you like being alone ?", she asked me with a chuckle. "I get lonely sometimes.", I say with a laugh.

"Any boyfriends or exes ?", Diamond asked. "Never had a boyfriend.", I say truthfully. "Shut up ! You're lying !", she said shocked. "Sadly, I'm not.", I chuckle. "Don't worry girl. With me as your new best friend, you're gonna meet a lot of new people and possibly your soulmate.", Diamond told me. "Soulmate ?", I question. "Yes !"

Before she took me to meet people, she took me back to my place so I could change. I took off my old work clothes and changed into something more relaxed. A cute crop top and some good pair of jeans with holes in them were good enough. "So, where are we going ?", I ask Diamond. "We are going to my favorite place, where some of my favorite people are.", she said with a smirk.

I just nodded and smiled at her. She drove up to a nice house. It looked familiar but I couldn't figure out where I've seen it before. We got out the car and walked up to the front door. Diamond knocked on the door. "Are you sure it's ok for me to come inside ?", I ask her. "Oh of course ! The boys love meeting new people.", she said with a smile.

"Boys ?", I question. The door quickly swung open and there stood a boy with glasses on. I know him. He's Brandon Arreaga. He's in my favorite boy band. "What's up, Diamond ?", he said. "Nothing much. I just wanted to hang out today if that's cool with you guys.", she said. "It's always cool.", he said with a smile.

"Who's this ?", he asked Diamond while smiling at me. "Oh, I'm Cassie.", I say. "Well, it's nice to meet you Cassie.", he said to me as me and Diamond walked in. "Uhh all the guys are out back.", Brandon told us as we followed him. "Is Carter here ?", Diamond asked with a smirk. "When is your boyfriend not here, Diamond ?", Brandon asked her with a chuckle.

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